Thursday, December 10, 2009

Deck the Halls

Sharing a few of our Christmas decorations for this year.

Our old upright grand piano is such a focal point in our sitting room. This year I have flanked it with artifical trees and decorated using poinsettas and minature glass ornaments. I also have featured my favorite birds....cardinals.

A closer view. In this house, we do not have a mantel and I use my piano as though it was a mantel.

Isn't he a handsome guy?

Lots of red, gold and sparkle. That would be me!

Snowmen in the entryway.

More of a homespun and gingerbread feeling in the dining room and kitchen.

Some more red in the dining room. Just a peek of my old radio. I just love that old thing. I bought it years ago in Seattle and had never seen one just like it until we moved to Nebraska. There is one just like it at the Grand Theatre in Grand Island, Ne and another one in a floral shop in Grand Island. Funny to me.

A small peek into my small kitchen. I love that big, old enamelware coffee pot.

Some of my gingerbread collection. I just love these large molds from Longaberger.

Not as much decorating as I've been known to do in the past, but enough to fit our smaller quarters. Merry CHRISTmas!!