Thursday, December 15, 2011

Gooseberry Patch's Rush-Hour Recipes Review & ONE MORE RECIPE!!

One LAST recipe from RUSH-HOUR RECIPES and one more BONUS chance at the GIVEAWAY! Besides, it's Friday and I have to have SOMETHING for my Old-Fashioned Bake Sale feature.

Before going any further I have to show you what showed up at Faithfulness Farm recently....

Isn't this just the CUTEST apron you've ever seen? I participated in Miss Sue's December Apron Swap and was fortunate enough to get partnered-up with Kimberly from Camp and Cottage Living. I am simply loving this apron -- the red and aqua colors - the rick-rack -- she *gets* me! Thanks Kimberly! If you click on the link to her blog you'll see the Grandmomma and Me apron set I sent her.

I also want to show off my new casserole -- It's JUST my color -- I WON this at Mari's Once Upon A Plate -- if you are not following Mari, you should be. She posts the most wonderful recipes AND hosts some of the BEST giveaways in blogland. I am planning to use this baby this weekend.

Okay, on to the business of baking and reviewing :)

When I spied this brownie recipe, I just couldn't help myself. I LOVE brownies and have NEVER seen a recipe like this one. I was intrigued. I knew I would be able to have a small sample and then serve the remaining to a friend coming to supper tonight and the folks at work -- I'd be safe from HAVING to eat it ALL! Good-thing I had a plan because these brownies are BETTER than most and certainly worth making again and again.

Better Than Brownies
GBP Rush-Hour Recipes (contributed by Gladys Kielar)
(Printable Version)

3.4-oz pkg cook & serve chocolate pudding mix
2 cups milk
18-1/2 oz pkg chocolate cake mix
1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 cup chopped nuts (I wanted to festive these up a bit so I skipped the nuts -- maybe the ONLY time you read those words from me, lol -- in their place, chopped peppermint candy canes -- VERY FESTIVE and YUMMY)

Prepare dry pudding mix with milk according to package directions; cook until slightly thickened. Remove from heat. Stir in dry cake mix. Spread batter in a greased 13x9-inch baking pan; sprinkle with chocolate chips and nuts. Bake at 350°F for 30 minutes. Cool; cut into squares. Makes about 2 dozen.

To WIN this fabulous book AND the Faithfulness Farm Apron & Tee Towel Set......

1. Leave a comment on THE ORIGINAL review post.

2. Follow Faithfulness Farm (new followers are good - leave a comment saying you follow).

3. Blog about the giveaway (leave a comment so I can visit your blog).

This is your LAST BONUS entry for the GIVEAWAY -- leave me a comment on THIS post telling me one MUST bake item for you at the holiday. For me it is my Momma's Russian Tea Cakes! Happy Baking!