Sunday, September 9, 2012


It has been a long summer -- long and dry. Very dry. My plants and my lawn have suffered. But this week there was a change.

The mornings are feeling cooler and the days not quite so hot. I for one am grateful. 
No air conditioning running makes it quieter. Out on the porch with a book for long stretches and best of all my walk/run is very pleasant. 
In all the heat, the bright spot in my yard has been the sunflowers. They were planted after the trees were removed. It never seemed to be too  hot or too dry for them. 
My son is engaged to marry a sweet young woman who has 2 wonderful little boys -- seems I have been blessed with 3 grandsons this year. The oldest just started 1st grade. He ended up spending a day with me earlier this summer. BORING -- my activities have little attraction for a 6 year old boy, lol. Then I remembered that I needed to get those sunflowers planted. He tore open all the packets and mixed them up in a bowl and then he dug the trench for me. Didn't quite know what I was going to end up with -- had I done it myself I would have fussed over the tall varieties going in the back and the shorter ones in front. Nope, they all went in 6 year old boy style and what a delightful sunflower garden it has been. You should see how proud he is of his sunflowers too.

Gigi and her boys!

Next year we are going to plant a pole bean teepee just like I did with my kids when they were youngsters. He is already looking forward to it (ME too)!

Posting today at Elaine's Sunny Simple Sunday.