Sunday, March 3, 2013

Stocking a Low-Carb Pantry

Photo Credit: Country Living Magazine

The above image is one I've drooled over for YEARS -- this is my dream pantry, complete with the vintage RED screen door. Maybe someday!!

Pantry is more about what you have on hand than it is about where you store that supply. I thought I would share with you what my pantry consists of although low-carb is done is a vast number of different ways and your pantry could look completely different than mine.

Now before I go listing my pantry list I want to say a few things about the Low-Carb Way of Eating -- by some standards, it is expensive. By that I mean some individual items are spendy -- example, Almond Flour = $10.00 a pound. That said, I don't use it daily and when I do, I use it sparingly. I am a thrifty person by nature and necessity. Keep in mind there are whole aisles in the grocery store that I never set foot in -- that equals savings....lots of savings. And good nutrition and a healthy body equals fewer medical needs and that equals lots of savings too. I also practice some of the pricipals of  thriftiness that I used raising 4 children on a modest budget. At least one day (usually 2) are meatless, I take advantage of markdowns, sales flyers, seasonal savings, bulk purchasing and stock up and stay out of the stores as much as possible to avoid impulse purchasing.

Another thing I want to mention is that I buy what my budget can bear -- and what is available in my smaller community stores. That means usually I pass on organic or fancy brands, buy frozen instead of *fresh* (especially when we're talking seafood and some produce) and pass-up what is simply too expensive at any given time. I am all about Farmer's Market shopping when I can and raise my own tomatoes and herbs when seasonal. Gardening can really stretch a tight budget and it gets you moving and outdoors. A few specialty items are ordered from the internet but I am always looking for coupons and fixed or free shipping. 

Okay, with these items on hand, I can pretty much come up with most anything I can think to cook. Disclosure - especially the fresh items, I don't ALWAYS have everything on this list at one time.

Gail's Low-Carb Pantry

Baking Supplies:

Almond Flour
Coconut Flour
Flaxseed Meal
Hazelnut Flour
Cocoa Powder (Hershey's Special Dark)
100% Baking Chocolate Bar
Baking Powder
Baking Soda
Pure Vanilla Extract
Other Flavored Extracts (maple, orange, lemon, almond)
Blackstrap Molasses
Plain Gelatin
Coconut (flaked & shredded)
Assorted Nuts (whole, chopped, sliced & slivered)

Seasonings & Condiments:

Spices & Seasonings - Some of my favorites, in no particular order: Salt, Basil, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Cumin, Thyme, Curry Powder, New Mexico Chili Powder, Oregano, Allspice, Mace, Dry Mustard, Bay Leaves, Dill (seed & weed), Cloves, Ginger, Black Pepper, White Pepper, Assorted Whole Peppercorns, Paprika, Sage, Celery Seeds, Poppy Seeds, Garlic & Onion Powders, Parsley

Coconut Aminos/Soy Sauce
Vinegars (Cider, Red Wine, Balsamic)
Liquid Smoke
Hot Sauce
Prepared Mustards (Yellow, Dijon, Whole Grain)
Anchovy Paste
Canned & Jarred Olives
Picked Jalapenos
Sugar-Free Pancake Syrup
Sugar-Free Jams
Sesame Seeds
Sunflower Seeds


Bacon Grease (I save all rendered from cooking in a jar in the refrigerator)
Butter, unsalted
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
Specialty Oils (Grapeseed, Walnut, Roasted Almond, Toasted Sesame)


Granulated Erythritol
Granulated Xylitol
Granulated Truvia
Liquid Stevia


Butter, unsalted
Eggs, Size Large
Full-Fat, Tradional Greek Yogurt
Full-Fat Sour Cream
Full-Fat Cottage Cheese (Daisy Brand is the lowest in carbs in my area)
Heavy Cream
Assorted Cheeses
Cream Cheese
Unsweetened Almond Milk

Grocery Staples:

Canned Artichoke Hearts
Tomato Paste
Tomato Sauce
Canned Enchilada Sauce (red & green)
Jarred Alfredo Sauce
Stock - Chicken, Beef & Vegetable
Canned Tuna
Canned Salmon
Salad Dressings
Natural Peanut Butter
Sugar-Free Jello & Pudding


Coffee, Grounds & K-Cups
Assorted Teas
Sugar-Free Coffee Flavoring Syrups
Wines, Reds & Whites


Beef - Whole Cuts (Steaks, Roasts), Ground, Short Ribs
Pork - Chops, Tenderloin, Sausages (breakfast & Italian), bacon
Poultry - Whole Chicken, Turkey & Cornish Hens, BLSL Breasts
Fish - Fillets, Shrimp


Assorted Frozen Veggies that include: Spinach, Yellow Squash, Green Beans (French-Cut & Whole), Broccoli, Asparagus, Assorted Peppers (I buy these seasonally and on sale and freeze myself), Artichoke Hearts

Berries: No-Sugar Added Blueberries, Strawberries, Raspberries & Blackberries


Shallots, Onions, Garlic, Scallions
Brussels Sprouts
Romaine Lettuce
Tomatoes - Grape, Roma, Slicing
Peppers - Assorted Colored, Poblano