Thursday, January 2, 2014

Journey Update

Happy New Year!! I took a blogging break over the month of December and am eager to get back to the business of Low Carb recipes but thought I would take a moment to update you on my journey -- since we are in the season of resolutions and all. If you are not familiar with my story you can read it here.

First, I want to say that 2013 brought lots of changes for me -- seems I am always writing that, lol. I found love again, relocated a couple hours away, changed jobs and seems my head was always in a spin. But in June I stepped on the scale and saw 119 -- that was the same number I saw on the scale 35 years prior in June when I graduated from high school!! Wow -- I could hardly believe it. I had gone from a high of 240 to 119 -- more importantly, I had dropped my BMI to 22% - THAT was my goal. Since June and amidst all the the changes, I maintain a range of 118-123. The way I do that is pretty much eat the same way I did to lose -- grain-free, sugar-free and low-carb.

Okay, the next thing I ALWAYS say is IF I CAN DO THIS, ANYONE CAN!! I know that is trite expression, but it is so -- the greatest gift I gave myself was just sticking to it long enough that my thinking changed -- not a diet, a lifestyle -- not temporary, but everyday, -- not a sacrifice but a way of living that provides all I need in a body that is so much healthier and happier.

Wishing you the same happiness and health in this new year. We're all on the journey together!!