Monday, August 1, 2011

Saturday Morning at Farmer's Market

Summer Saturday mornings are pretty predictable for me. Up early -- lots of watering, mowing and tending to the yard and gardens. Then errands.....banking, materials to be returned to the public library and then my last stop -- THE FARMER'S MARKET!!
I love supporting our local farmers and getting the oppportunity to buy produce that is local and as fresh as can be.
There is also fun non-food items to look at and purchase.
Old friends to visit with and catch up.
In every community I've lived in, whether in the country, small town or big city, the Farmer's Market has aways been a big deal for me.

August marks the begining of peak Farmer's Market season. All month I will be posting some great tidbits about Farmer's Markets and end the month with a trip to one of my favorites -- Lincoln, Nebraska's HayMarket. I look forward to YOU telling me about your Farmer's Market!