Thursday, September 1, 2011

Did you know?

September is National Sewing Month!! Do you sew? My start was a rocky one. First I have to say that my Mom wasn't a seamstress but she did go thru a stage where she attempted to make some garments for my sisters and I. Somewhere there is photographic evidence of her attempts -- my 2 sisters and I in MATCHING outfits -- I am the oldest -- pure TORTURE when you are on the verge of being a teenager, lol. Then I was in Miss Swisher's 7th grade Cooking/Sewing class at Woodrow Wilson Jr. High. I aced the cooking semester but hated the sewing semester. We made a gym bag and an apron -- I remember it like it was yesterday (instead of 1972, lol).

My apron was red gingham and I had to take a seam ripper to it (had issues with pleats and gathers) so many times that I am surprised I didn't have holes worn in it. I survived Miss Swisher's class and even got a decent grade. Somehow, I ended up in a more advanced sewing class in 8th grade -- very bad experience that involved a brown plaid jumper and sneaking it home in the above-mentioned gym bag so my Mom could help me set the zipper. I bid good-riddance to sewing after that....I thought forever. I figured sewing just wasn't for me.

Years later, I was a young homemaker on a very slim budget and I wanted new curtains for my little cottage-style home. I decided I'd give sewing another try. I found making curtains and pillows and such a lot of fun and I could do it for a fraction of the cost of ready or custom made. I even made some simple garments for my children. Then I discovered QUILTS!! I was hooked. My skills improved with each new project and it is now something I love to do. I still mostly stick to quilts and home decorating although I now make aprons again -- lots of aprons!

Since this is the official month to promote sewing, I thought I'd do a series of posts on just that -- sewing!! I wish that I had ignited a love of sewing in my daughters but alas, they seem to have no interest -- but I have to remind myself that I didn't have an interest at their ages either -- maybe there is still hope. Through the month of September, I will be posting some simple tutorials and sewing inspired posts and introduce you to a special friend :)