Sunday, December 4, 2011

Call me a COPYCAT!

Yep, that is the truth - I am pretty good at copying! I am thinking that is why I ♥ Pinetrest so much -- LOTS of wonderful ideas at the ready for COPYING!!

When I heard that DebbieDoos was hosting a holiday copycat event, I knew EXACTLY what I would be bringing to the party!

Months back I spied this photo on Pinetrest....


Then I saw this Pin....

I wasted no time, even though it was only September, I visited the Tractor Supply Store and purchased the largest galvanized wash tub I could find!

Here is my copycat version...

Now, why I hadn't thought of this idea before is beyond me - I am always using buckets and such for unconvential purposes -- oh, well, I am glad I *found* this idea to copy -- I've gotten lots of great comments on this tree and am thrilled with the way it turned out!

Editing to link up at Honey's Christmas Tree part of the party!