Friday, December 23, 2011

Gooseberry Patch Rush-Hour Recipes Giveaway WINNER!!

THANK-YOU to GOOSEBERRY PATCH for the opportunity to review this book. I am very pleased to add it to my collection AND to be able to offer one to a Faithfulness Farm follower. My only disappointment is that I don't have one for everyone who left such nice comments. There will be more reviews and more giveaways so stay tuned! If you would like to purchase this book, you may do so here.

Daughter did all the tallying up of entries and the drawing. That is a big job and I always appreciate her help with it. Without further delay.......

the winner is .......Linda at A La Carte! Congratulations Linda!! Look for an email from me! case you haven't entered in YET, the GIVEAWAY for the 101 Soups, Salads & Sandwiches book doesn't close until 12/28/11 -- Hurry over and enter HERE.