Monday, December 19, 2011

Gooseberry Patch's 101 Soups, Salads & Sandwiches - Review & GIVEAWAY!

Next up in the 101 Recipe Series for Gooseberry Patch is 101 Soups, Salads & Sandwiches. I got my first look at a 101 Recipe Series book last December when one came to my mailbox for review. I love the traditional Gooseberry Patch books with the fun illustrations and plastic combbinding, so I hadn't ever purchased a 101 Recipe Series book to that point -- I have corrected that error. These are gorgeous, full-color, spiral bound treasures. Not only have I caught my collection up but have found occasion to give these as well-received gifts.

So my friend, The Farmer came for supper.

I enjoy cooking for The Farmer -- he is not a picky eater - claims he only likes 2 kinds of foods -- HOT FOOD and COLD FOOD, lol. He has been an eager guinea pig for trying new things from my from this newest book included. His only request -- *nothing fussy* - easy enough from a book titled 101 Soups, Salads & Sandwiches, lol. I found 3 *nothing fussy* recipes that looked perfect as well as a 4th recipe for a lunch later in the weekend with my daughters. That covered all 4 of the books sections - Simmering Soups, Sensational Salads, Satisfying Sandwiches and Terrific Toppings! Our menu for the evening -- Bean & Sausage Soup, Annelle’s Special Veggie Melts and Refrigerator Pickles.

First I have to say that because this was during the work week, I assembled the soup the night before and then put it into the slow cooker to simmer on low the day we ate it -- I did wait to add the spinach until the last hour, which was perfect.

I only had to put the sandwich together which was quick and easy and supper was ready!
This was a hearty, satisfying meal - the soup has a bit of a warm bite to it at first that you hardly notice after the first spoonful. Very delicious. I was leary about serving a veggie sandwich but it was very hearty and very satisfying. The pickles were a perfect compliment and yummy! All three recipes were a hit -- especially the soup - it will be in my regular soups line-up! Thanks Gooseberry Patch for great recipes assembled in wonderful cookbooks -- add this one to your collection - especially, if like me, soup = comfort food in the winter!

Bean & Sausage Soup
GBP 101 Soups, Salads & Sandwiches (contributed by Janet Parsons)
(Printable Version)

5 Italian pork sausage links
1/4 c onion, diced
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 tsp olive oil
1 tsp salt
1/4 to 1/2 tsp red pepper flakes
15-oz can diced red tomatoes
32-oz container chicken broth
2 15-oz cans white kidney beans
4 c spinach, torn
Garnish: grated Parmesan cheese

In a Dutch oven. Sauté sausages, onion and garlic in oil until sausage is golden. Remove sausage links and slice into one-inch pieces; return to pot. Add remaining ingredients except garnish. Cover and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low; simmer, covered, for 2 to 3 hours. Garnish with cheese. Serves 6.

Annelle’s Special Veggie Melts
GBP 101 Soups, Salads & Sandwiches (contributed by Amy Butcher)
(Printable Version)

1 c sliced baby portabella mushrooms
1/4 c olive oil
1 loaf focaccia bread, halved horizontally (I used a ciabatta loaf I had on hand)
15-oz jar whole roasted red peppers, drained
1-1/2 tsp Italian Seasoning
1 c. shredded Fontina Cheese

In a skillet over medium heat, sauté mushrooms in olive oil until tender. Place bread halves on an ungreased baking sheet. On one bread half, layer peppers, mushrooms and Italian seasoning. Top both halves evenly with cheese. Broil until lightly golden. Assemble sandwich and cut into 4 pieces. Makes 4 servings.

Refrigerator Pickles
GBP 101 Soups, Salads & Sandwiches (contributed by Kay Barg)
(Printable Version)

3 c cucumbers, peeled and sliced
1 onion, thinly sliced
3/4 c sugar (I used 1/2 c Truvia)
2/3 c white vinegar
1/2 tsp celery seed
1/2 tsp mustard seed
1/4 tsp salt

Mix cucumbers and onion in a glass or plastic bowl; set aside. Stir remaining ingredients together in a microwave safe container. Microwave on high for 3 minutes. Pour over cucumber mixture. Cover and refrigerate for 24 hours before serving to blend flavors. Keep refrigerated. Makes one quart.

Now on to the IMPORTANT business -- THE GIVEAWAY!! It includes your very own copy of Gooseberry Patch's 101 Soups, Salads & Sandwiches AND A Faithfulness Farm Funky Dotty Chicken Apron & Tee Towel Combo AND a Funky Chicken Timer!

Since this is the week of CHRISTmas I plan to make this easy. The giveaway is open to Followers of Faithfulness Farm (old and new) - Just leave a comment on this post and you are entered in. I will post some bonus entry opportunities and another recipe from this GREAT book so look for those! Giveaway drawing will be WEDNESDAY December 28th!