Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A Little This & That!!

FIRST I want to say that somehow WINTER got lost on it's way to Nebraska! We are having the most gorgeous weather -- yeah, I know it won't last, but it sure I nice out and I am fully enjoying it. CHRISTmas at Faithfulness Farm was low key, relaxing and wonderful! We enjoyed each other's company (and held closely - by phone - those we love and couldn't be with this year). There certainly was an abundance of great food. I got out and ran both yesterday and today to try and counter that abundance of food, lol. My kids served as the chef's and did fabulous jobs. I was (and AM) quite spoiled by those who love me.

So, when do you take your Christmas decor down? I did put away some of the Christmas dishes yesterday and will probably take the trees down over the long New Year's weekend. Some of the more wintery things stay until I start thinking about Valentine's.

Tomorrow is the last day to get entered in for the Gooseberry Patch's 101 Soups, Salads and Sandwiches & Faithfulness Farm Goodies GIVEAWAY. As a BONUS, leave a comment on this post and tell me about a new dish you tried that will become a holiday staple -- for me it was Pioneer Woman's Burgundy Mushrooms -- YUM!!

Looking forward to the new year and ALL the BLESSINGS that will bring. I have some ideas for a few little things here at Faithfulness Farm that I look forward to sharing with you all.