Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Signs of Spring!

Last week I spotted 2 little robins outside my office window. A sure sign that spring is indeed coming. It has been a weird winter -- I am happy to know spring is coming but not sure winter has had it's last hurrah yet.

Last weekend my daughters wanted to drive to Kearney, NE to do some shopping at Target. Although I am fiscal fasting, I went along for the ride. We saw another sign that spring is indeed on it's way --

Sandhill Cranes!

They stop over in Nebraska at the Platte River on their migration north. The skies were FULL of cranes. What a spectacular sight! Now we've had some other signs of spring too -- warmer temperatures, rain, thunderstorms AND a tornado watch too.

What is your first indication that spring is on it's way?

When we were shopping, Baby Gabe's Momma forgot to bring his Moby Wrap (oh, isn't that a wonderful invention) so Auntie carried him around in her jacket -- he was HAPPY!!

If you haven't entered in for my latest giveaway, be sure to scoot over and enter in HERE.