Saturday, March 17, 2012

A Wee Bit O'Irish Luck

St. Paddy's Greetings!

For the first time in years, I had no plans to make a big dinner on St. Patrick's. Afterall, the kids are all out on their own and I had to work this morning. No one mentioned wanting to do anything and really, I thought I was pretty fine with that. Until this morning,on my way to work I thought about our usual celebration and it made me a little sad to think that it wasn't going to be this year. Things change -- change is good.

Then I got a text message from #1 daughter -- *Are you making St Paddy's food?*. My response was I didn't really plan too -- PULEEEEEZE!! She must have texted #2 son because he called within minutes asking what I wanted him to do for the dinner. Then #2 daughter chimed in that we NEEDED to do St. Paddy's. So as soon as I was able to get out of work, I stopped at the grocery store and loaded my cart full of the usuals -- corned beef, red potatoes, carrots, turnips, cabbages and the makings for soda bread. Change is good but so is tradition....this is one I enjoy very much.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!