Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter Greetings!

Taking a break from all the preparations for tomorrow and wanted to spend a few moments to send a greeting and wish you all a blessed day as we reflect on the GIFT of Jesus and his love.

I will be hosting my family -- the kids and grandbaby and son's girlfriend's 2 little boys -- for an early dinner tomorrow. The menu is all planned, shopping is finished and most of the do-ahead work is done. The lilacs are early this year and I got out and cut tons of them to decorate the table with -- oh, how I LOVE the lilacs! There will also be eggs - lots of eggs and little boys for finding them. The menu includes Bacon-Wrapped Pork Loin, Twice-Baked Cauliflower & Hash Brown Casserole (for the carb eaters), Strawberry Spinach Salad and my homemade rolls. Desserts will be both the Strawberry Cups I posted on Friday and Angel Food Cake and Strawberries w/Whipped Cream.

Beautiful Daughter #1 and Grandson Gabe at the Egg Hunt her work does for the staff and resident's children.