Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Gooseberry Patch The Harvest Table - Supper - REVIEW & GIVEAWAY!

I have to say what an honor it always is for me to review new releases for Gooseberry Patch -- this most recent book has quickly become my favorite (well, my favorite for today, lol). If you enjoy autumn or comfort foods or both, you have to add this one to your collection. Oh, and at the end of this post is the details for how you can enter in to WIN -- there will be 2 winners who will each enjoy their own copy of The Harvest Table as well as a Faithfulness Farm Apron and Tee Towel Set.
Gooseberry Patch's The Harvest Table
I've shared recipes from this book for both a Harvester Breakfast and Dinner (midday meal) -- now I am going to share some recipes for making a lovely Harvester Supper. When I asked my son what he thought the perfect fall supper was, his instant response was Pot Roast and Mashed Potatoes -- that is probably his instant response to any question regarding his favorites -- well, this book doesn't have a recipe for those -- BUT it does have a recipe for what we consider to be the perfect side to roast -- ROASTED BRUSSELS SPROUTS -- oh, and this recipe is DELICIOUS!!
Roasted Brussels Sprouts
Roasted Brussels Sprouts
Gooseberry Patch’s The Harvest Table (contributed by: Stacy Kaegi, Wappingers Falls, NY)
(Printable Version)

2 lbs Brussels sprouts, trimmed and halved
1 c pecans, coarsely chopped
2 Tbsp olive oil
2 cloves, finely chopped
1/2 tsp kosher salt
1/4 tsp pepper

Toss together all ingredients on a large rimmed baking sheet. Turn Brussels sprouts cut-side down. Bake, uncovered, at 400°F for 20 to 25 minutes, until golden and tender. Serves 6.

No Harvester meal would be complete without dessert -- and I found the perfect recipe -- LEMON UPSIDE-DOWN CAKE. I LOVE Meyer Lemons and this yummy recipe showcases them perfectly...and what farm wife wouldn't use her trusty cast iron skillets to make an incredible dessert. Serve with mounds of freshly whipped cream and hot, black coffee!
Lemon Upside-Down Cake
Lemon Upside-Down Cake
Gooseberry Patch’s The Harvest Table (contributed by: Tiffany Brinkley, Broomfield, CO)
(Printable Version)

3/4 c butter, softened and divided
3/4 c plus 2 Tbsp brown sugar, packed
2 Meyer lemons, unpeeled, thinly sliced and seeds removed
1-1/2 c all-purpose flour
2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1 c sugar
1 tsp vanilla
2 eggs, separated
3/4 c. milk
1/4 tsp cream of tarter
Optional: whipped cream (whipped cream is NEVER optional to me, lol)

Melt 1/4 cup butter in a 9-inch cast iron skillet over medium heat. Stir in brown sugar until dissolved; remove from heat. Arrange lemon slices in skillet over brown sugar mixture; set aside. In a bowl, mix flour, baking powder and salt. In a separate large bowl, with an electric mixer on low speed, beat remaining butter and sugar until fluffy. Beat in vanilla and egg yolks, one at a time. Beat in flour mixture alternately with milk, set aside. In a separate bowl, with an electric mixer on high speed, beat egg whites and cream of tarter until stiff peaks form. Fold egg white mixture into batter. Spoon batter into skillet. Bake at 350°F for 30 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in center tests clean. Let cake cool in skillet for 15 minutes. Top skillet with cake plate and turn cake out of skillet. Serve warm or at room temperature; garnish with whipped cream, if desired. Serves 8.

As promised the GIVEAWAY details --
Faithfulness Farm Giveaway!
1. The giveaway is open to Faithfulness Farm followers (old and new - so follow if you don't already).

2. Leave a comment telling me YOUR favorite fall dish HERE - whether it is one you make or simply one you enjoy during the harvest season.

3. BONUS: Blog about the giveaway on your blog or post on Facebook or Twitter (be sure to tell me in your comment so I give you credit for it).

4. #2 BONUS OPPORTUNITY: Go visit the nice Gals at GOOSEBERRY PATCH on FACEBOOK and leave a comment on their wall telling them you were sent by Faithfulness Farm and you LOVE Autumn because ____________!

5. NEWEST or #3 BONUS OPPORTUNITY: The way Gooseberry Patch is able to publish such great cookbooks is because YOU, the home cook, share your recipes with them. For bonus entry, click over to Gooseberry Patch and SHARE A RECIPE - one of your family's favorites and then come back to this post and leave a comment telling me what recipe you submitted and why it is a favorite with your family. NOT ONLY will you given bonus credit, YOUR recipe may appear in an upcoming book and Gooseberry Patch will send you a contributor's copy - THAT makes everyone a winner :)

Giveaway is open until May 30th - WINNERS will be notified on May 31, 2012!!

Posting to Miss Yvonne's On The Menu party!