Friday, May 11, 2012

Low-Carb Living ~ Pumpkin Frozen Custard

Whoot-whoot -- this is my 400th post -- how did I ever find something to say, 400 posts worth, lol. Thanks for being out there reading :)

I know this recipe should appear about October and NOT May, but I love pumpkin -- year-round and recently decided that I had a craving for Pumpkin Ice Cream. In my pre-low-carb days, I'd wait all year for DQ to announce that Pumpkin Pie Blizzards were on the menu and I'd rush right over to get me one - the only Blizzard for the year, lol. Now trips to the DQ are only for an occasional No Sugar Added Dilly Bar (a favorite treat by-the-way). This frozen custard is at least as good as my memory tells me those blizzards are -- probably better since it is totally low-carb. Oh, and I'll understand if you tuck this recipe away until October :)

I also wanted to mention that I am in ♥ with my counter-top ice cream maker -- especially since going low-carb. I am not one who feels the need to add every plug-in kitchen gadget that comes along to my collection BUT this one is worth it's weight for sure.
Low-Carb Pumpkin Frozen Custard
(Printable Version)

3 cups heavy cream
1 cup canned pumpkin
3/4 cup sugar-free sweetener (Splenda or Truvia are my choices with Truvua coming in a little higher on the carb count)
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp pumpkin pie spice
4 large egg yolks
In saucepan over medium-low heat add all ingredients except egg yolks and whisk until blended. While cream mixture is heating, beat egg yolks in separate bowl. Take one cup of heated cream mixture and gradually add to egg yolks while continuously whisking (make sure cream mixture does not come to a boil). After adding cream to egg yolks, pour cream and egg mixture back into saucepan. Over low heat whisk continuously until mixture covers the back of a spoon. Remove pan from heat and cool to room temperature. Once cooled, pour mixture into ice cream machine and mix 8-10 minutes until soft set.
Yields 8 servings (1/2 cup each) - approximately 6.5 net carbs per serving