Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day Musings!


What a fabulous spring morning we have been blessed with in Central Nebraska -- hoping it is the same where you are.  This morning I have none of my little chicks in my nest -- #1 son is in Minnesota, #1 daughter is working her every-other-weekend rotation, #2 son is spending the weekend with his girlfriend and her family in another town (yesterday was girlfriend's birthday) and #2 daughter is babysitting (Keller and his parents are back to Boston for another check-up and daughter is staying with baby sister Kora). The two daughters will both make it here for supper -- in the meantime, I have grandbaby here to help me celebrate a lovely Mother's Day morning. He will help me finish my flower pot planting this afternoon.

Graduation season is in full-swing in Nebraska -- CONGRATULATIONS to both the graduates out there and their parents who helped them along the way. Yesterday I was blessed to spend the afternoon and evening with my #2 daughter. She is such a busy bee that it felt like ages since we had spend a large block of time just visiting -- we had about 5 hours of windshield time as we traveled to and from Omaha to attend the graduation reception of one of her best friends, Rachel. It has been such a blessing to see these 2 young women grow up and blossom.

Jay & Rae met when we first moved to Nebraska in 2006 - they were instant friends. Rae was the daughter of our then Pastor. They moved to Omaha about 3 years ago and that hasn't changed a thing in their friendship except they appreciate the time that they have together so much.
Jay & Rae doing flips in the church basement
Back in November 2010, when Jay's friend committed suicide, Rae came from Omaha - newly licensed driver and icy conditions, she made that 5 hour round trip alone to be with Jay -- I was so grateful to both Rae and her parents.
Hamming it up for the camera
Every summer they made the trip to Missouri for church camp -- what wonderful memories they have of those weeks at camp.
Camp, Summer 2010

Rachel's Graduation May 2012
Now they each move on to a different season in their lives -- knowing they have been blessed with a very special, life-long friendship.
Rachel's Graduation May 2012