Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Taking Tea

Image: Flickr
Good Morning!

I just loved the above image when I came across it on Pinterest....doesn't she look like she is having such a great time. I LOVE surrounding myself with these kinds of people - JOYFUL!!

So pull yourself up a chair and pour yourself some tea, hot or iced -- I am going to prattle for a bit.  I thought I would answer some of the email questions that I have been asked recently.

Have you made your 100lb weight loss?

I did. Thank you for asking. Back in April I finally crossed that line -- it isn't the finish for me. I am about 12-13 pounds away from the magical number I weighed on my high school graduation day. I am pretty sure I can get there - I'd like to set the goal of getting there before my 52nd birthday in mid-September BUT will be happy to get there whenever I do. Thank you all for the encouragement you give to me!!

How was your company?

We had a lovely visit. My Mom and Dad (in their 70's) are both in good health and enjoy traveling - I hope they will be back this way soon. They will be headed to spend Labor Day camping with my youngest sister in California. I am planning a quick trip to Arizona in early November - a good time to visit Arizona!

My Minnesota company wasn't company at all but #1 son and his visit wasn't a visit either -- he has moved to NEBRASKA and currently is camping out in my basement until he finds a place. I now have all 4 of my kids close -- I am a super blessed Momma!

How is Baby Gabe?

Well, that boy is my joy! Can you believe he will be 6 months old this month?! He has cut his first tooth (on the 4th of July), is rolling everywhere and attempting to get up on his hands and knees -- watch out, lol! He is a bitty boy, weighing in the 25th percentile and not even on the charts for height -- he takes after his Gigi -- a little shorty!

How are you doing working a 2nd job?/Are you still Fiscal Fasting?

Working a second job has been an adjustment but I feel quite blessed with this arrangement. My weekdays are pretty rushed and mostly work-oriented but I have my weekends free and through the summer months take Thursday's off too. I am still taking the last week of the month and declaring it a NO-SPEND time. Living frugally is my nature and it isn't a hardship and makes me more accountable for the spending I do the rest of the month. I haven't written more about it because, well, no spending is somewhat BORING, lol. I am working on a couple posts though that will fit into Frugal Living. Look for those soon.

How are you adjusting to life after the divorce?/Do you date?

Well, I think I've adjusted well. My marriage was broken for a very long time and I had been separated for a long time many ways, there wasn't much of an adjustment to make -- I'd been adjusting all along. I did get a call this week from a friend who also has gone thru a divorce. She was very sad that her ex-husband had recently remarried and was surprised by her own reaction. I guess like any other grieving process, you find yourself going backwards sometimes. About a year ago a friend recommended DivorceCare. He found it very helpful when his marriage ended - I did too. I recommended it to my friend and I hope it is encouraging to her also. As far as dating is concerned, well, that has to be up to the Lord. Right now my time has a lot of demands on it. I did date a little but found it to be pretty much a disaster, lol....better to leave that in the Lord's hands. Maybe someday :)

Thank you for your sweet comments and emails and always offering me friendship and encouragement. I try to answer each email and Facebook message personally but I do find myself behind at times. If I haven't answered, please email me again. God Bless You :)