Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Bad, Bad Blogger!!

The BAD Blogger!!
Yep, that would be me - away from my blog and my blogging friends for the last week. Shame, shame on me! Wish I could tell you I was out having fun somewhere BUT that was not the case. Blogger caused me some grief and I wasn't able to log on AND more importantly, I had some family issue to deal with. One of my dear children is facing some of life's difficult moments. Please hold us up in prayer -- this too will pass but when you are young, you don't always have the life experience to know that. Thank you for both your understanding and your prayers. I will be catching up on my blog visiting this week!

I did not get the winner of the Quail Ridge Press GIVEAWAY posted. Thanks for everyone who entered in and all the nice comments that were posted. And BIG thanks to the wonderful folks at Quail Ridge Press for providing the books for review and giveaway (they are sending me another book for review so watch for that).

Without further delay..........................................

The LUCKY winner of this giveaway is

Kimberley from Kimberley's Front Porch (I thought it fun that Kim was the winner and her blog is named Front Porch and my review was my Front Porch party -- too fun!!)

Congratulations Kim :)

Thank you to my daughter for always tallying up all the entries and determining the winner for me!