Monday, August 27, 2012

Hemming & Hawing

Hemming and hawing means to speak hesitantly or inarticulately, with numerous pauses and interjections. Although I rarely hem and haw -- I most certainly HEM!

The summer I turned 13 years old, my Grandma took me shopping for some dress pants. Being of shorter stature, I was unable to get a pair that were the proper length. No worries she said, they will just need to be hemmed. When we got home I found out what she meant -- she was going to show ME how to hem them. Not a chore I was especially thrilled with BUT I was expected to do it. We went thru the cutting off, pinning and then the actual hand hemming. When I showed her my handiwork, she said, I'd either need to re-hem them now or later - her choice was NOW, lol. Second time around I made tiny little stitches. They passed inspection, lol. Although I didn't appreciate it at the time, I learned a skill that has served me well - there has even been times I have earned a few bucks hemming for others.

That said, all these years later, I'd much rather find a pair of slacks that fit me well - both in the size and length. I'd never pay full price (or even retail) for a pair that needed hemming BUT our local Goodwill store has like-new, if not new dress slacks for $3.25 a pair -- that surely is enough to get me to hem. Don't get me wrong, I always look for my size that includes a P (for petite) or S (for short) on the tag BUT more times than not, I have to hem.
Since my size has changed from last fall, I have been on the search for new slacks for cooler weather. In the last month or so, I've collected 8 very nice pairs - total expense only $26.00 - that wouldn't even buy 1 pair brand new (and 4 of these still had their tags on them). Only problem is that each pair required hemming.

  • Last weekend I wanted to spend some down time - I have found myself wiped out lately. So my plan was to stick close to home and except for a quick run to the library, go no where. I lounged, read, napped, watched a couple movies AND hemmed those pants. I feel well rested and ready for fall -- bring it on!!

    If you have never hemmed slacks, here is a super easy video tutorial that shows exactly the same way my Grandma showed me.

  • Next project - hemming these babies!
    I have been on the look out for some *colored* jeans for fall - seems that is the HOT thing for fall - these taupe-colored ones are simply perfect and only set me back $3.25 at GW. Hemming jeans is completely different from hemming dress slacks, but no more difficult. I loved this video and the sweet lady who shows a flawless technique for hemming jeans. I hope to get to these next weekend.

    Joining Brenda at Cozy Little House for Tweak It Tuesday and Yvonne from StoneGable for her Tutorials, Tips and Tidbits.