Saturday, November 3, 2012

Back to the Business of Blogging!!

Dust swept away and cobwebs cleared, I think we're ready to open the doors for company. If you have been by at all this week then you got a little preview of the changes as they took place. WELCOME to Faithfulness Farm and take a look at all that is all shined up and new here! Before I start to ramble too much I want to send a HUGE shout out to my friend Gwen. She is the one who did all the spiffing up around here. She is talented to no end (and there is no end to her patience either - I know, I got in her way a few times, lol). Thank-you Gwen - you are a blessing my friend!

With the new look, comes a new focus. Last December I shared MY JOURNEY. My journey continues. Not only have I embraced Low-Carb as a lifestyle - it is my goal to help others. Weight loss was my primary reasoning when I embarked on a Low-Carb WOE (way of eating) - goal met but what I discovered was not only did the weight come off, but I felt better and younger and more full of energy than I had in a very long time. Weight loss is not the only reason to eat fewer carbs - many people are plagued by chronic illness - Type II Diabetes tops the list as does food intolerance issues such as Gluten Allergies - Low-Carb eating is perfect in these situations too. So what you'll see here from now on is LOTS of low-carb recipes straight from my kitchen. Some will be new that I have developed, some will be re-mixes of old recipes made a new, low-carb way and some will be ones I have discovered as I eat and feed my family in this style.  Not *DIET* food, but wonderful, seasonal, yummy recipes like before but these also promote good health. If Low-Carb is not the lifestyle for you, there will still be plenty of great recipes that even non-Low-Carb eaters will enjoy -- I know, I feed them all the time. Along with the recipes, I will be reviewing products and cookbooks with Low-Carb as their primary focus.  With all of that I still plan to share slices of my wonderful, busy, crazy, wouldn't-trade-it-for-anyone-else's life.