Thursday, March 7, 2013

Good Eats!!

My FAVORITE Sous Chef *helping* me!!
What you been cooking? Many days at my house it is very simple fare -- some eggs cooked in sauteed spinach or a bowl of Greek yogurt tends to be my go-to dishes as an empty nester. BUT I still LOVE to cook -- feeding people is probably my love language. So when the opportunity to feed someone arises, I try to rise to the occasion. Here are some dishes I have made recently.

In my life prior to low-carbing, I didn't like pancakes. Never did - even when I was a kid. Now my own children love them and it was a ritual at our house....every Saturday morning without fail there was pancakes -- lots of them. Even the dogs got a pancake, lol. Lately I have decided that I like pancakes -- at least the low-carb variety. Last weekend I made this recipe for grandboy and I -- it makes a lot. I got 11 pancakes -- too many for little one and I so I froze the leftovers for quick, weekday breakfasts -- or maybe even dinner!

This recipe is a HUGE hit!! I am not quite sure I'll ever cook skirt steak any other way. That said, in an effort to lower carbs I did deviate from the original recipe a tad. I skipped the paprika in the seasoning mix and seasoned with New Mexico Red Chili Powder, Garlic Powder and Cumin. The veggies I cut in half -- 1/2 an onion, 1/2 a red pepper & 1/2 a green pepper and a few garlic cloves for good measure. Since I was going to be away from home while this cooked I wanted to add a little bit of moisture too. I put in about 1/4 cup of El Pato Tomato Sauce -- perfect addition. I served this with toppings of cilantro, sliced avocado, diced tomatoes and lime slices but skipped the tortillas all together and they were not missed!
Feta-Stuffed Chicken Breasts
This dish has been one we've enjoyed for many years. Originally I was introduced to it by a poster on a recipe message board back in the 1990's. I think the recipe came from Cooking Light magazine. That said, I've diddled with it over the years and it is not quite the same recipe now. In fact it now is just a *formula* more than a recipe. I use sun-dried tomatoes, feta cheese and basil (fresh or dry depending on if I have any growing at the time). You cut a slit in the side of a boneless, skinless breast and stuff as much as you desire in there. I use a toothpick to close but be careful to account for the toothpicks so you know you've removed them all at serving. You can dredge in breadcrumbs (not low-carb) or Parmesan cheese or just skip that all together. Season with salt & pepper and brown the stuffed breasts in a little olive oil in an ovenproof skillet and bake at 350°F to finish cooking. I need to mention that both my girls claim this recipe. The oldest won a PURPLE ribbon at the Minnesota State Fair with this recipe and youngest daughter calls it *Boyfriend* chicken because when served to a young man, he tends to stick around, lol. It's a winner!!