Saturday, August 3, 2013

Garden Scramble

We are at the point that everyday we are taking a stroll thru the garden and harvesting what is ready. Our onions are all in and daily we are picking zucchini and tomatoes -- and other goodies are not far off. That means planning meals around what is on hand.

Between yesterday evenings stroll and this mornings I collected a bunch of zucchini.
I prefer to pick them small and tender but they tend to hide so sometimes they get bigger on me - the bigger ones will become zoodles. The small and tender ones have lots of great uses!
This morning breakfast was Garden Scramble - now you can make this with what your garden (or farmer's market or grocery store produce section) yields but this version was perfect in everyway!!
Garden Scramble

5 large eggs
2 Tbsp cream + 2 tbsp water
1/2 red pepper, chopped
1 small onion, chopped
1 small zucchini, sliced
2 slices Swiss cheese
salt and pepper to taste
drop or 2 Tabasco sauce
butter or fat of choice

Crack eggs into a small bowl, scramble with cream and water. Season with salt, pepper and Tabasco Sauce to taste. Set aside. Over medium-high heat, saute chopped red peppers and onion in skillet with 1-2 Tbsp fat (I used bacon drippings) until tender-crisp. Add zucchini slices and continue cooking until zucchini softens. Reduce heat to medium-low and pour eggs over and allow to set on the bottom before you start moving them around. Using a heat-resistant spatula, move eggs around to cook through without scrambling around too much. When eggs have completely set, remove from heat and top with cheese slices. Serves 2 hungry gardeners or 3 not so hungry folks.

For 2 servings: calories 325, carbs 10.45g, fiber 2g = net carbs 8.45g AND a breakfast that is going to stick with you for many hours!!