Thursday, August 25, 2011

Old-Fashioned Bake Sale ~ Grandma's Apple Butter Cake & Welcome Home Brands & A GIVEAWAY!!!!

A few weeks ago I was at the mall with #1 daughter. We strolled through Auntie Em's. I LOVE going in there but found an unexpected treat on that day -- Paper Bakeware from WELCOME HOME BRANDS. I purchased some of the little loaves and muffin tops and brought them home and used them almost right away. Oh, I just loved not only the convenience of the product BUT how lovely my baked goodies looked in these sweet papers. I found the company webpage and sent them an email asking for (read that UNASHAMEDLY BEGGING for) some more of their wonderful product for review AND giveaway to my lovely readers. They quickly sent me out a sampling of their wonderful products and something special for the giveaway. All I can say, is you gotta get yourself some for fall and holiday baking -- they are perfect for your baking that is intended for gift giving and of course they'd be PERFECT for bake sale goodies! Very pans to prepare or clean up after......keeps the messies out of baking. Thank you WELCOME HOME BRANDS! Wonderful, wonderful products!! If there is not a retailer in your area that sells these great products, they are available at Amazon.

My Grandma Mae was a BAKER EXTRAORDINAIRE! Her specialty was cakes. I remember people always commenting on how she made the BEST cakes. One of her specialties was what she called Applesauce Cake -- it was always my Mom's favorite cake. I don't have Grandma's actual recipe since ALL of her recipes were in her head but I've made my own version that Mom says it is just about as good. Mom and I both know Grandma's secret ingredient -- APPLE BUTTER!!

Grandma Mae’s Apple Butter Cake
(Printable Version)

1 pkg yellow cake mix (without pudding in the mix)
1 pkg (4 serving size) vanilla instant pudding mix
3 eggs
1 cup sour cream
1 cup apple butter
1 stick butter, melted
¼ c water
2-3 tsp apple pie spice (see recipe below)
1 cup pecans, toasted (optional)

Preheat oven to 375°F. Spray 10-inch tube pan with nonstick cooking spray. Beat cake mix, pudding mix, eggs, sour cream, apple butter, water, melted butter, nuts and spice in large bowl with electric mixer at low speed 1 minute. Beat at medium speed 2 minutes or until well blended and fluffy. Pour batter into prepared pan. Bake 45 to 50 minutes or until toothpick inserted near center comes out clean. Cool in pan on wire rack 20 minutes. Run sharp knife along edge of pan to release cake from pan; invert cake onto serving plate. Cool completely.
I have baked this cake in layers (if you remember last year when I made my Mom & Dad’s 50th Anniversary Cake – it was THIS cake) and in loaves. It is very versatile – you will have to adjust the baking time accordingly. To serve, you can simply sprinkle with powdered sugar, dollop with fresh whipped cream, ice or glaze with a simple glaze or vanilla buttercreme BUT my favorite is icing it with cream cheese frosting Y-U-M!!!

Apple Pie Spice
(Printable Version)

1/4 cup ground cinnamon
1 tbsp ground allspice
2 tsp ground nutmeg
1/2 tsp ground cardamom (optional)

Pumpkin Pie Spice
(Printable Version)

1/4 cup ground cinnamon
2 tbsp ground ginger
2 tsp ground cloves
1 tsp ground nutmeg
1/2 tsp ground cardamom (optional)

Combine all ingredients for desired mix and blend well. Store in a small, airtight container. Feel free to experiment with amounts to get a blend that works for you.

So, now the important stuff, GIVEAWAY TIME!! This is a celebration giveaway. What are we celebrating? -- well, let's see -- August is the 2 Year Anniversary of Faithfulness Farm -- 300 Posts (okay, I am at 298 posts but close enough, lol) -- and MOST IMPORTANTLY, My LOVE of BAKING!!

Here are the details of the Old-Fashioned Bake Sale Giveaway -- it includes 2 packages of WELCOME HOME BRANDS products, a Faithfulness Farm Vintage-Inspired Apron and Set of Embellished Dish Towels, a little mason jar of both the Apple Pie & Pumpkin Pie spice mixes and The Bake Sale Cookbook (isn't that just perfect). You have 3 EASY opportunities to enter -- 1. Comment on this post (remember to leave a email address so I can contact you), 2. Follow Faithfulness Farm Blog (let me know in a separate comment that you follow) AND 3. Blog about Old-Fashioned Bake Sales and this giveaway (let me know that in separate comment too). We'll have a drawing of all the entries and announce the winner on LABOR DAY September 5th!

Editing to participate in my dear friend Yvonne's On The Menu Monday Party!!