Monday, June 18, 2012

A DIY Weekend :)

Photo Creidt: Curbly
Are you a DIYer? Seems I always have a LONG list of projects to get to. This weekend I got to a few of them -- I had motivation. Company is a coming :)

Although I did get to a few projects, we are still *in process* on most so basically I am going to *tell* you about them and then will share some photos -- BIG-reveal-style -- SOON.

So what do you think of when you read BABY ELEPHANT, HOT COCOA & INSPIRE AWE? Recently when I posted about the trees being removed, I posted this photo ......
Really shows the worn and dated paint on the house. Not a big fan of butter yellow and forest green. Well, I am not going to be living with that UGLY (sorry, no better word came to mind) paint any longer. The house is now Baby Elephant - a gorgeous light taupe color (Clark & Kensington paint from Ace) with Inspire Awe - a creamy, off white trim -- on Thursday, I will do the LAST job -- painting  the porch floor and steps. They will be Hot Cocoa - a darker taupe. It is AMAZING what paint can do!

Once  the porch paint is dried and cured a bit, I can put my vintage wicker furniture back out. Do you

Faithfulness Farm: Nebraska Junk Jaunt
remember my story of how I acquired my olden wicker set last fall? I was so blessed to find it and knew it was going to need some work to freshen it up. Work done. I've painted it and made some covers for the cushions and some festive pillows - they are sitting in the garage EAGERLY waiting to come out and party on the porch! I thought I would share a couple informative articles I found -- Wicker Furniture Cleaning Hints & Tips -- and -- Painting Wicker Furniture -- both very helpful for the wicker furniture enthusiast. I cannot hardly wait to show you my beauties!! BTW, this is another showing of that horrid paint AND can you believe that my porch had carpet on it? -- that was ripped up earlier this spring and the floor is ready for it's paint job :)

Now that my yard has so many more sunny spots sans the trees, I've been looking for gardening inspiration like CRAZY! I ran across this image on Pinterest.....
Samplers and Santas
AND was TOTALLY inspired. I've made 2 new little flower beds utilizing my galvanized wash tubs. I have the edging to finish on the 2nd one and will do the big reveal :)

ALL those projects and I also rearranged the living room -- I'll share WHY I did that later this week.

Isn't it great to have company come (my Mom & Dad from Arizona and #1 Son from Minnesota) to light a fire under the hiney and get some of the STUFF crossed off the list!

Wishing a WONDERFUL week -- I'll be putting finishing touches on THINGS -- can't wait to show YOU! What is on YOUR DIY list?

Adding this post to Yvonne of StoneGable's new Linky party -- TUTORIALS TIPS AND TIDBITS  - oh, what FUN!!