Thursday, June 21, 2012

Goodbye Old Friend!

I have been doing some down-sizing. Actually a lot of down-sizing. The divorce meant a smaller house and still lots of BIG furnishings....and a garage FULL of STUFF. I've done a great job of reducing the stuff. It feels great to have a lighter load - in every way possible. Honestly, some things were easy to part with and some things a little harder.

The LAST of the BIG things I wanted to have gone was my antique upright grand piano.
I do want to say that I love this piano - it is beautiful and I have enjoyed having in my home all this time BUT it isn't too practical in a small home and I don't play and daughter had no interest in taking it with her - that meant finding it a new home. No easy feat. Actually, I was recently told it would be impossible -- "no one wants those old things" was what I was told. I talked to a guy who had come to pick up an old wood burning stove from the garage for scrap and he said he'd take the piano. I couldn't do it. I told him I'd call if I changed my mind but there had to be someone who would want and love this old beauty as much as I have. Maybe they would have little girls who wanted to take lessons. I have no issue with little boys playing piano but this one was bought for my daughter to play and it came from a home where the daughter played -- just seemed like it needed to go to a little girl. I began praying......then I listed it on Craigslist.
I got lots of groovy spam-like responses and then the one I had been waiting for. A young woman was looking for a piano for her daughters (3 of them). She came over the next week-end and loved the piano. Her eyes lit up when she saw it and told me she was excited to decorate it for CHRISTmas...... I knew it was a perfect fit - THANK-YOU LORD!
Today is the day it gets moved from my home to hers. I am sad to see the piano go but will smile each time I think of those sweet little girls playing it. I feel blessed in every way....and I think the new owner feels the same way!
The movers showed up at 7AM and made short work of what seemed like a monumental task.
Goodbye old friend ... I will miss you but am so very thrilled for you too. Enjoy your new little girlies!