It's Show us your Roosters Party day! Thank you to Barb at Bella Vista for hosting!
First I have a bit of a confession. From practical experience, I am not the biggest fan of roosters. Mostly that comes from being spurred by one ---- and the need to carry a broom for self defense when outdoors. Luckily, we don't currently live where we feel the need to keep a rooster for the safety of our hens.
Now as an objet d'art, I like roosters just fine but tend to lean more towards hens. I did find a couple to share though.

I love old-fashioned embroidery and scour garage sales for vintage patterns. I loved this pattern when I found it and decided to do it in redwork. I won't bore you with the entire set, but I thought I'd include the pattern in this picture. Oh, and the 39 cents is the original selling price.

The little bowl sits at my kitchen sink to hold the plugs and such. It looks like Pyrex/FireKing but it isn't marked on the bottom so I'm not sure what kind it is. I love it and have had it a long time.

And the lastly, my little rooster jam pot. Another garage sale find. I was really attracted to the color. Although I am a huge red fan, I liked that this was blue. Just a little different.