Firstly, I’m sad that I am not prepared for this wonderful event hosted by Marie. I so enjoy her events. With vacation and playing catch up, I just haven’t given the old blog the attention I should. All that said, I wanted to still share something although it is in story form, not pictures.
My grandmother-in-law was a wonderful woman. She really was like my own grandmother and I loved her dearly. She didn’t always have such an easy life. Her family were pioneers in the state of Washington and at age 20 she was left with a dear little boy to raise (my father-in-law) when her husband was killed in a logging accident. She had never held an outside job and had no means of support (there wasn’t even social security yet). In these desperate times she agreed to enter into an arranged marriage to a man 20+ years older than she was and the cousin of her 2 older sisters husbands (they were married to brothers). Her new husband came from Norway and didn’t even speak English when he came to the states. Despite all this, they built a happy life together that included 5 more children. Because of the age difference, Grandma was widowed early (I think she was in her late 40’s) and she never remarried.
Granny (as we called her) was a very special gal and I always felt a kindred spirit. She came to stay with us in Minnesota a couple years before she died and I will always remember that time with special fondness.
About 4-5 years before she died, she asked if I would like her wedding ring. I was a bit baffled (mostly because she has 4 daughters and many granddaughters and I was only a granddaughter-in-law) but also thrilled. I just love this ring and treasure it but only wear it occasionally. I would really like my youngest daughter to have it when she is older (I’ll eventually get my grandmother’s wedding ring and it will go to oldest daughter).