North Central U.S. Weather
January 2010
4th-7th. Milder, then snowy from Rockies east. 8th-11th. Fair, then stormy. Heavy snows across Plains, up to 20" possible. 12th-15th. Fair, cold. 16th-19th. Light snow across Plains, windy. 20th-23rd. Becoming stormy, milder. 24th-27th. Stormy. Snow Southern Plains. 28th-31st. Fair, then showers.
February 2010
1st-3rd. Light snow Colorado, Plains. 4th-7th. Major storm brings heavy snow from Montana east. Accumulations of 8"-16". 8th-11th. Clearing, colder. 12th-15th. Fair, then flurries Plains. 16th-19th. Stormy over the Rockies. 20th-23rd. Snowstorm for Plains heaviest in Kansas. 24th-28th. Becoming unsettled Rockies. Fair, cold Plains.
March 2010
1st-3rd. Fair, cold.

Since there isn't a thing I can do about the weather, I'm trying to remember that being house bound can a good thing. I'm being more deliberate about trips out and combining trips when possible and working at home when I can.

So while sticking close to home, I'm thinking about warm drinks and pots of soup and fresh from the oven loaves of bread to make the winter days less dreary. Stay warm!