I'm still here -- really I am. I've warned you that this time of year is harder for me because of work - but this week was a huge challenge -- mostly because I had a HUGE distraction occupying my thoughts and some of my time. I'll try to do better and not let this distraction get in my way!

Remember me telling you of my love for
African Violets (click for that post). I want to share one of my African Violets that lives on my kitchen window sill with you. Isn't it delightful?! This particular violet was one that I didn't know if I would ever see bloom. It had been a division off of a huge mother violet.

This division was given to me 2 summers ago at a garage sale. The mother plant was so gorgeous, I was excited to have this one.....well, it wasn't long and it was the saddest looking thing. I nearly threw it away but since I am stubborn, I didn't. I kept watering and occasionally feeding and it never seemed to do anything -- no growth at all. Now I am going to get deep on you -- aren't people like that too sometimes...no matter what good care given, there seems to be no growth and no blooms.

Well, all my hard work paid off -- sometime around Thanksgiving, I noticed growth -- lots of new leaves and it just generally looked like it had turned the bend -- then a couple weeks ago, I was washing dishes and I noticed it -- a bloom bud..a couple days later, there was another. Now it is in glorious bloom! I can't help but grin when I walk thru the kitchen. By looking at it, you'd never know what trouble that little violet had seen and now she is a gorgeous as can be! Don't give up -- on violets or on people.
Coming soon - a sweet giveaway, a St Paddy's tablescape, a post on composting, a cookbook review of my newest very favorite cookbook -- AND a Gooseberry Patch review and giveaway soon too.