Do you use a set of decorative canisters in your kitchen? Growing up, my Mom had some on the counter. They were crome, square-shaped, with the name of the proposed stored item vertically on them in black & a funky font and a Lusterware black top with a knob on top. She also had the matching bread box. This set is very similar to the ones Mom had. I'll have to ask my Mom what became of them. I am sure they went into a donation box as she updated her kitchen. IF they had been red like these in the advertising, that thought would make me very, very sad.

I love the idea of having a storage spot for everything and I am always on a quest to be more organized with both my stuff and my time. I have a thing for jars and mostly use mason jars to store things, tea bags, sugar cubes, Splenda packets and the like. I have even picked up some more decorative jars (both vintage and more vintage inspired new) for my laundry detergent and supplies.
For my large, bulk purchases (flour, sugar, grains, etc.,) I have invested in commerical quality, large canisters. Very utilitarian. These work perfect for storing things in the pantry but when I need a cup of flour or sugar, I need to trot off the the pantry. I guess I was always on the look out for the solution to that minor inconvenience.

Last week I strolled thru one of my favorite thrifty stores and stopped dead in my tracks when I saw these beauties! They had all the elements needed for MY kitchen..large enough to hold several cups of flour and sugar, RED and that lovely vintage script (not to mention just the right amount of funky factor, lol). I just loved them. Checked the price....$3.50 each. I tucked one under each arm and headed straight for the check out.

After I got them home and cleaned them up, I filled them with their respective labeled ingredient and stood back and admired my FIND!! Then the guilt settled in. You see, these 2 handsome guys had a little sister named Tea. I left her behind. How could I do that? I really didn't need a tea canister. I had my tea stored in a cute little jar with a red lid. That really was good enough BUT the GUILT. I assume the sister named Coffee had met with some terrible end or even worse, someone had only purchased her. I slipped my shoes back on and away I went to fetch Tea. At first, I was unable to find her....she wasn't where I left her. Then from accross the store, I saw her standing alone on a shelf. It was like she was calling to I am, here I am...

Now she has a home on the beverage counter and can *see* her big brothers from accross the kitchen. Life is organized and good!

So what kind of canisters do you have? How do you store your staples?
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