Had a little sweetie (and his Momma) come spend the weekend with me. Oh, the FUN we had!! Yesterday he was 4 weeks old -- don't know how the time has passed so quickly but it has. I know that I am partial BUT isn't he simply GORGEOUS?!
I thought I'd post a little catch-up this morning. I think that FINALLY my cold is on it's way out and my voice is back to full use. Keller is up and walking on his own. He was released from the hospital over the weekend but has to stay in Boston for a follow-up appointment on Wednesday. If all goes well, he will be on his way home to Nebraska after that. Thank you for your continued prayers!
This last weekend I did all the cooking involved in reviewing a soon-to-be released Gooseberry Patch cookbook. I am so excited about this particular review -- there is going to be a pretty fun giveaway too. Look for that post on Saturday!
Wishing everyone a very blessed week!