Creamy Blue Cheese Stuffed Burgers

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Before my low-carb days, hamburgers were always one of my FAVORITE meals. Actually, since going low-carb, they still are.

Pan-Fried Pork Chops w/Cranberry-Thyme Sauce

Sunday, November 25, 2012
Are you still eating Thanksgiving leftovers? We have just about polished them all off with the exception of the cranberry sauce. Then I remembered an extra yummy dish I used to make using pork loin and canned cranberry sauce. 

The Low-Carb Thanksgiving: REVIEW & RECIPES

Saturday, November 24, 2012
We did it -- we had a completely low carb Thanksgiving. The only exception is that daughter wanted a sweet potato for the grandboy - so we baked one and served it plain just for him. 

Pumpkin Crunch

Thursday, November 22, 2012
This year the Thanksgiving feast is 100% low carb - that means desserts too. Last year I made both regular and low-carb pumpkin cheesecake. It was right after that that my daughter was diagnosed with gestational  diabetes. I decided I would not *ride-the-fence* again. My WOE is low-carb and I don't plan to feed others any other way. Stepping-down-from-my-soapbox -- the kids were all notified that this momma only makes sugar-free and should they want something sugared, they would need to bring (and take whats left home) it with them. That said, I planned some knock-your-socks-off desserts that did tempt them over to the LC side :)

Eggnog Latte a la Low Carb

Tuesday, November 20, 2012
A LONG time ago my family and I lived outside Seattle -- until then I never thought much about coffee -- after that, a coffee hound I was. I worked with a young woman who talked constantly about Starbuck's Eggnog Latte's - when they were going on sale, how good they were, blah, blah, blah. Then the first day that year they were available she brought me one....

The Low-Carb Thanksgiving Dinner

Saturday, November 17, 2012
Rockwell's Thanksgiving
I finalized my menu and braved the store to shop for all the supplies - whew, that was a HUGE deal. I spent this afternoon prepping some of the things I could do ahead since this will be a busy week for me.

I know I've written this before, but Thanksgiving is my FAVORITE holiday! This is my 3rd Thanksgiving as a low-carber. The first one I kind of just did what I always do on Thanksgiving - last year I added some low-carb sides and a sugar-free dessert option. This year I am totally embracing my Low-Carb WOE and all of the Thanksgiving dinner will be Low-Carb friendly. SO with that declaration, WFD -- WHAT'S FOR DINNER?

Championing the Lowly TURNIP!!

Friday, November 16, 2012
People who have low-carbed for any length of time have figured a dozen or more ways to make FAUX-tatoes. You know what that is -- a potato-like dish that isn't made with potatoes at all (nor all those carbs I might add). I am no different. Many FAUX dishes are made with cauliflower. It does a great job. But please don't forget the lowly turnip -- just like potatoes, turnips are roots and unlike cauliflower, they have a very similar texture. Just not as starchy. I thought I would share a few dishes featuring turnips -- well a few turned into 6 of my FAVORITES -- if you are not eating turnips, you really, really should be :)

Obsessed with Breakfast

Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Have I mentioned lately that I am obsessed with breakfast? I think a lot of people's impression is that a low-carb breakfast is all about eggs and bacon -- I do eat both but rarely for breakfast. Lately I have expanded my breakfast fare so much that I posted about it here and here, lol....and yet HERE I am posting about it AGAIN!! 

Cream of *Wheat* Cereal & Chia Seed Review

Friday, November 9, 2012

One of my favorite low-carb sites is Carolyn's All Day I Dream About Food. Recently she posted about the food she eats in a day -- with that post she included this recipe for her version of *Cream of Wheat*. I am ALL-ABOUT eating hot cereal and have missed that. Coupled with the fact that recently I am OBSESSED with breakfast, fast-tracked this recipe to the top of my *to-try* list.

Cheesy Cheeseburger Casserole

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I am doing a low-carb remake of a recipe I saw in  our local newspaper from the newly released *In the Kitchen with David* - David being David Venable, QVC resident foodie. The cover of the book says, *Comfort Foods That Take You Home* - Who doesn't love (and crave) comfort food? Well, you can have your comfort and keep to a low-carb WOE (way of eating) too. So a Recipe Re-Mix was in order...

Orange-Pumpkin Muffins

Monday, November 5, 2012

Pumpkin Muffins simply scream fall too me. When my children were, well, when they were children, lol, we had a Sunday morning tradition -- we had muffins for breakfast - EVERY Sunday. With coffee, tea, cocoa, milk or whatever. I always enjoyed the Sunday morning ritual of baking those muffins as everyone scrambled to get ready for church (1 shower + 6 people = scrambling). When someone requested Pumpkin Muffins I knew Fall had truly arrived.

Chipotle Chicken Enchilada Bake

Saturday, November 3, 2012
I LOVE Mexican food but it took me a little while to get it figured out on a low carb diet. I don't eat beans and I don't eat rice and although you can get low-carb tortillas, I have avoided those.

Back to the Business of Blogging!!

Saturday, November 3, 2012
Dust swept away and cobwebs cleared, I think we're ready to open the doors for company. If you have been by at all this week then you got a little preview of the changes as they took place. WELCOME to Faithfulness Farm and take a look at all that is all shined up and new here! Before I start to ramble too much I want to send a HUGE shout out to my friend Gwen. She is the one who did all the spiffing up around here. She is talented to no end (and there is no end to her patience either - I know, I got in her way a few times, lol). Thank-you Gwen - you are a blessing my friend!