Happy December! Do you recognize what this is? It is an empty nest....I am now officially an EMPTY NESTER. Youngest daughter moved into her own apartment this last week. Part of me is very sad about that and another part is preparing her old room to be my sewing room. Does that sound bad? I don't mean it to be. I've loved raising children -- something that has taken the biggest part of me for 29 years. That said, I am not going to allow that room to sit empty for long. Job done -- well done! Thank you Lord for the blessing of my 4 WONDERFUL children - they bless me beyond measure!
Speaking of daughters, I went with my oldest daughter this morning to her OB appointment. We got to see lil man on ultrasound. He is getting bigger - he measured 4lbs 4oz -- we have until after the holidays but this Gigi is getting more and more excited. Thank you Lord for this little life that I get to take part in the nurturing and loving of!
No baking at Faithfulness Farm this week. I will be working on some catered desserts for parties next week and will be sharing those with you all as well as some other projects I've had in the works and more of my CHRISTmas decorating. Thank you Lord for the busy-ness of life - no idle hands here.
Wishes for a BLESSED weekend full of family, faith and great food! We're supposed to get our first measurable snow for the season. Isn't that WONDERFUL?!!