GOOD MORNING to ALL my Bloggy Friends!
Yesterday was Administrative Professional’s Day – otherwise known as Secretary’s Day. Belated greetings to the other Admin Pro’s out there. Maybe I AM old, but I still call myself a Secretary – when did that become a derogatory moniker? Working in the world of accounting and tax prep, the *holiday* comes at a very GOOD time for me and the other secretary in our office – all the hard work we put in during tax season is fresh in everyone’s memory and we SCORE the gifts, lol. Now usually I am NOT the send flowers from the florist kind of gal (being more the go to the nursery and bring me a tree or bush or such kind of gal), BUT I admit to always enjoying the lovely flowers that adorn my desk because of Administrative Professional’s Day.
Speaking of tax season – WHEW – so glad that is over for another year!! I have used my *extra* time since putting my little nest back together – fluffing and more fluffing! Last weekend my daughters helped me put on a garage sale. I was able to downsize quite a lot and remember me telling you that Easter dinner would probably be the last family gathering around my dining room table – it was. It now belongs to a nice family with lots of little children and will make new family gathering memories. I have some work to do on my little farm table and then I will be bringing it in and will do a BIG reveal.
Something else new, I have taken on a SECOND job! I tried this a few years ago when I first separated from my now ex-husband. It really didn’t work out but I still had teens at home then and it was a set scheduling situation…..this position is much more flexible and will easily fit into my empty-nester lifestyle – I hope, lol. It will help me pay off that new car quickly – speaking of which, the deer damage is now but a memory!
Vacation is coming up and that means so is my 10K – YIKES!! More about that later.
We continue with our weird weather year – very unseasonably warm. I spoke with my friend the farmer last night and he said he was planting his last field of corn – IT’S STILL APRIL! I have so far resisted the urge to get out and plant my annuals – although I have been itching to get at it!
Usually I stop writing when I am done with what is new or what I have to talk about – well, I could go on and on (didn’t even mention the grandbaby, lol), BUT will save some back for later.
One more thought, I received an email yesterday from my friends at Gooseberry Patch -- I have not 1 BUT TWO new books on their way to me for review -- that means LOTS of new recipes and giveaways!! Look for those SOON!