I love interesting cooking techniques. Salt-roasting is certainly interesting. We've salt-roasted salmon and salt-roasted beef tenderloin. Both are wonderful. I've even salt-baked potatoes before, but when I recently saw the recipe for Skillet Salt-Roasted Potatoes, I knew I was in. My family loves potatoes so they were in too. The original recipe called for fennel seeds in the salt but I skipped that since fennel seed isn't a favorite. To add some extra flavor, we drizzled with rosemary infused olive oil instead of regular olive oil but regular olive oil or even butter would be wonderful.
Skillet Salt-Roasted Potatoes
(Printable Version)
2 lbs red and/or yellow small new potatoes
2 cups kosher salt
1 Tbsp olive oil
Scrub potatoes; set aside. Pour salt into the bottom of a 12-inch cast iron skillet, spreading evenly.
Heat over medium heat for about 5 minutes or until hot. Add potatoes to hot skillet, pressing potatoes into salt slightly.
Cover skillet. Turn heat to low. Cook 40-45 minutes or until tender when tested with a fork. Remove skillet from heat. Let stand, covered for 5 minutes. Remove potatoes from skillet with tongs and brush excess salt from potatoes (reserve salt mixture). Transer to serving platter and drizzle with olive oil. Cover with foil and allow to stand 5 minutes. Makes 4 to 6 servings.
When cooled, the salt can be store in a zippered bag for the next time you want to salt-roast potaotes...I am thinking that will be SOON around here.
Sharing at Tempt My Tummy Tuesday, Full Plate Thursday and Potluck Sunday at Mommy's Kitchen.