My Journey!

Saturday, December 31, 2011

My blog is not one that is very defined. You know, some blogs are *cooking* blogs and some are *crafting* blogs and others are *decorating* blogs. Mine has always been a *slice-of-life* kind of blog - a little of everything. That said, in the last (almost) 2 years I’ve tried to not say too much about my journey to lose weight because I didn’t want to be a *weight loss* blogger. Mostly because I am no expert and have struggled on the way.

A few weeks ago I got the idea that it was time to share my journey. New Year’s seemed to be perfect timing – it is the time of year that many will make a RESOLUTION -- I know I've made many of them. BUT something kept nagging at me -- you see, my journey is not complete. Somehow I felt unqualified to share IF I still was a work in progress. So, *I* decided I'd share *IF* I made a milestone – my 100lb weight loss mark. That milestone had been eluding me and seemed to be just out of my grasp. Despite the work I've put in, seems it still is - I stand before you today 96lbs lighter than I once was and 15lbs from my ultimate goal. I didn’t make the 100lbs before January 1, 2012 – and somehow that doesn’t matter to me now – what does matter is that each day I get up and continue on my way – I've worked hard – keeping to my low carb eating plan, exercising, journaling my daily intake and activity – I’ll continue to work hard and someday I’ll get where it is I’m going. You see, really, my journey has been just as much about redefining my relationship with both food and myself as it has been about losing weight.

I should tell you a little about how I ended up where I was. I come from a long line of shorter, rounder peoples. Body fat was our insurance policy during times of famine or seasonal food scarcity. We were accomplished at surviving. Besides that fact, wonderful cooks abound in my family. Despite that working against me, I was a very active teen and young adult and I never had a weight issue until baby #1 arrived (is it still baby fat if baby is going on 29, lol). Then baby #2 arrived 2 years later without all the weight gain from first baby gone. I have 4 children – see the trend here, lol? A marriage that was less than perfect only compounded my issues. I tried many things along the way – the worst being the drug combination Fen-Phen. I always was able to achieve some short term weight loss but the weight always came back on – PLUS MORE. I hit my heaviest weight in 2002. I rarely allowed myself to be photographed and the photos from that time bring tears to my eyes….mostly because it is evidence of just how unhappy I was.

Spring 2002

New Year’s 2003, I resolved to finally do something about my weight. I started Atkin’s. I felt GREAT. The weight started coming off and I was never hungry and had energy in abundance. I did the Atkin’s program diligently from January 1 until mid-May and lost 40lbs. At that point I was derailed. Then started what I call the *counting* years. I counted – steps, points, calories, fat grams, fiber grams – IF you could count it, I did. I never had the success I did with Atkin’s and it didn’t escape my notice that the Atkin’s weight loss didn’t come back like with other things I tried. My marriage ended in November 2007 (although the divorce wasn’t finalized until mid-2011). I don’t know why it took me so long to return to Atkin’s, but it did – all the way to March 8, 2010.

February 2010

My weigh-in on that day found me 30lb less than my all-time high of 2003 but still classified as obese (when I do a BMI on my highest weight it says EXTREMELY OBESE). I started program and have never looked back. Today I am close to being 100lbs lighter than the heaviest me and 66lbs lighter than I was March 8, 2010. I am active, I run and I feel younger than I have in years. I also feel compelled to say that eating low-carb and the Atkin's program are not a *diet* to me -- this is my lifestyle now. Yeah, I still love to bake for my family and those who can tolerate carbs - but not for me. I will forever eat like this. That is a huge reason why my weight loss hasn't been over just a few months -- I am learning to maintain as I go.

December 2011

So I’m sharing – even though I struggle - struggling is what people do – what I know is this – struggling with someone else makes the struggle easier - maybe my struggles can encourage you or yours can encourage me. If you are embarking on your own journey or you, like me, are somewhere along the way, reach out. I am here. I will celebrate with you and offer whatever words of wisdom I can to encourage you along.

Happy New Year AND Happy Trails!!

Posting to Susan's Metamorphosis Monday @ BNOTP.


Thursday, December 29, 2011
Well, not a chicken dinner BUT Gooseberry Patch's NEW 101 Soups, Salads & Sandwiches AND FUNKY Chicken Faithfulness Farm APRON & Tee-Towel Combo and Timer!

BIG congratulations go to Lynnie of Invited to the King's Table.

Stay tuned. I will be reviewing another Gooseberry Patch book in a few weeks. A book that I have a special connection to and am VERY thrilled to review and share with you. And of course, I am working on some special add-ins to go with that giveaway!

A Little This & That!!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011
FIRST I want to say that somehow WINTER got lost on it's way to Nebraska! We are having the most gorgeous weather -- yeah, I know it won't last, but it sure I nice out and I am fully enjoying it. CHRISTmas at Faithfulness Farm was low key, relaxing and wonderful! We enjoyed each other's company (and held closely - by phone - those we love and couldn't be with this year). There certainly was an abundance of great food. I got out and ran both yesterday and today to try and counter that abundance of food, lol. My kids served as the chef's and did fabulous jobs. I was (and AM) quite spoiled by those who love me.

So, when do you take your Christmas decor down? I did put away some of the Christmas dishes yesterday and will probably take the trees down over the long New Year's weekend. Some of the more wintery things stay until I start thinking about Valentine's.

Tomorrow is the last day to get entered in for the Gooseberry Patch's 101 Soups, Salads and Sandwiches & Faithfulness Farm Goodies GIVEAWAY. As a BONUS, leave a comment on this post and tell me about a new dish you tried that will become a holiday staple -- for me it was Pioneer Woman's Burgundy Mushrooms -- YUM!!

Looking forward to the new year and ALL the BLESSINGS that will bring. I have some ideas for a few little things here at Faithfulness Farm that I look forward to sharing with you all.

Christmas Offering!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Wishing everyone a CHRIST-filled CHRISTmas! Blessings to you!

Christmas Offering

Over the skies of Bethlehem appeared a star
While angels sang to lowly shepherds
Three wise men seeking the truth they traveled from afar
Hoping to find the child from heaven
Falling on their knees they bow before the humble Prince of Peace
We bring an offering of worship to our King
No one on earth deserves the praises that we sing
Jesus may you receive the honor that you're due
O Lord, I bring an offering to You
The sun cannot compare to the glory of Your love
There is no shadow in Your presence
No mortal man would dare to stand before Your throne
Before the Holy one of Heaven
It's only by Your blood
It's only through Your mercy

Lord, I come
I bring an offering of worship to my King
No one on earth deserves the praises that we sing
Jesus may you receive the honor that you're due
O Lord, I bring an offering to You
We bring an offering to You
We are an offering to You
We are an offering to You, Jesus
We are an offering of worship to our King
No one on earth deserves the praises that we sing
Jesus may you receive the honor that you're due
O Lord, we bring an offering to You
O Lord, we bring an offering to You
We bring an offering to You
We are an offering to You
We are an offering to You

(go to the end of the page to turn off the blog music and fully enjoy the video)

Hang Up Your Stocking!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

It's CHRISTmas Eve!! When I was a little girl, that meant that Santa was coming AND we needed to hang up our stockings. We never hung them before Christmas Eve. I LOVED those beautiful red and white crushed velvet stockings with big silver jingle bells and white cording hangers. Every Christmas morn our stockings held the same treasures -- a LARGE Red Delicious Apple, a LARGE Naval Orange, some nuts and hard Christmas candies. Such sweet memories of a simpler, maybe less commercial time.

Last year when we hung up our stockings, I realized I didn't like them anymore. I made them in 1995 when youngest daughter was a year old. Our family has been thru many changes since then. I wanted new ones. Thru the year, I kept that thought in mind -- I need to make new stockings. But I wasn't really sure what I wanted. At one point, I decided I wanted to make them from an old wool blanket that I have been saving to use for *some* project. I took that blanket out months ago and added it to my projects pile -- but never felt the LOVE or inspiration to get started. THEN one day I was cruising blog land and I noticed my friend Marianne (Vintage Gal) had posted about her stockings.

Photo Credit: Vintage Gal

NOW I was inspired!! I LOVE chenille. My grandma always had all the beds in her home covered in chenille bedspreads. Chenille ALWAYS reminds me of her and sweet memories of my time with her. Chenille stockings are perfect -- AND I had a ratty old white one I was just saving for *some* project. Totally a *cutter*!

For my stockings, I wanted to use the fringe on the cuff, so I cut it off (4-inch X the length of the bedspread).

The excess fringe will come in handy for other projects. I then cut an 17-inch length for my stocking. My stocking opening is 16-inches around, plus 1-inch for seam allowance.

Double the chenille material right sides together. Pin pattern or template directly to the material (since I really like the shape of my old stockings, that is what I used as my pattern). If your material has a design on it, take that into consideration as you are laying out and cutting your pattern. Mine was a pretty basic bedspread so I pinned and cut based on getting the most from my fabric.

Stitch 1/2-inch all the way around the stocking, leaving the top of the stocking open.
Turn the stocking right side out. Sew the raw edges of the cuff piece with a 1/2-inch seam allowance.

Now you need to fashion a hanger. You can make a hanger by using a 3-inch x 8-inch piece that you sew wrong-sides together (open on the ends) and turn it right-side out OR like me, you can use a piece of the binding edge of the bedspread. I simply *hemmed* the binding edge on the cut side. Pin raw edge of the hanger to the inside seam of the stocking. It will be sewn between the stocking and the fringed cuff.

Pin the fringed cuff to the inside of stocking with the right side of the cuff to the wrong side of the stocking. Be sure to match up the seam of the cuff to the back seam of the stocking. This is the place where the hanger will attach and it will be thick. I recommend you stitch slowly when go over that area. Stitch along opening.
Turn fringed cuff to the outside of the stocking (seam will be on the inside). Press and hang!

I am so thrilled with these new stockings and hope to use them for years to come. I also plan to cut out several more from that old bedspread and put them away for any family members added in the future!

CHRISTmas Dinner Menu & PW's Burgundy Mushrooms

Friday, December 23, 2011

Our menu for CHRISTmas dinner changes very little from year to year. There is ALWAYS roast beef and Yorkshire Pudding, Brussel Sprouts, some sort of potatoes and a salad of some sort and a cheesecake for dessert. This year is no different. Youngest son, Jared will be the chef. The menu was all worked out and the shopping done. THEN I caught Ree Drummond, The Pioneer Woman on Food Network making her Christmas meal and I KNEW I was going to have to have her Burgundy Mushroooms too. Jared agreed to make them even though he is NOT a mushroom fan.

Photo Credit: The Pioneer Woman

Burgundy Mushrooms
Pionner Woman
(Printable Version)

4 pounds of White mushrooms
1 cup of butter
1 liter of burgundy wine (other red will be okay, too)
4 beef bullion cubes
4 chicken bullion cubes
1 tsp dill seed
1-1/2 tsp Worchestershire sauce
5 garlic cloves
1 tsp black pepper
2 cups boiling water
2 tsp salt

Brush the dirt off the mushrooms and then add them (whole) to a stockpot with all other ingredients, except salt. Simmer covered for 6 hours. Then simmer with the lid off for 3 more hours.Salt at the end if desired, but they probably won't need it. The mushrooms will be very dark. A few on the side of a filet makes a wonderful accompaniment!

Gooseberry Patch Rush-Hour Recipes Giveaway WINNER!!

Friday, December 23, 2011
THANK-YOU to GOOSEBERRY PATCH for the opportunity to review this book. I am very pleased to add it to my collection AND to be able to offer one to a Faithfulness Farm follower. My only disappointment is that I don't have one for everyone who left such nice comments. There will be more reviews and more giveaways so stay tuned! If you would like to purchase this book, you may do so here.

Daughter did all the tallying up of entries and the drawing. That is a big job and I always appreciate her help with it. Without further delay.......

the winner is .......Linda at A La Carte! Congratulations Linda!! Look for an email from me! case you haven't entered in YET, the GIVEAWAY for the 101 Soups, Salads & Sandwiches book doesn't close until 12/28/11 -- Hurry over and enter HERE.

GBP's Company Breakfast Casserole

Thursday, December 22, 2011
I cooked Thanksgiving dinner. After the meal, as we all sat around visiting, my kids decided we needed to divide up the cooking chores for CHRISTmas -- only fair, since I had done all the work for Thanksgiving. Sounded good to me! Son chimed in that he would do CHRISTmas Supper (he did a fabulous job last year - read about that HERE). Older daughter dibbed CHRISTmas Eve and that left CHRISTmas Morning and youngest daughter -- she is NOT a cook, lol. I told her I would take care of it, but not to be out-done by her siblings, she said she'd do it. I gave her some suggestions and then I found this and passed it along to her -- PERFECT!

Company Breakfast Casserole
From: Gooseberry Patch's Christmas Kitchen
Submitted by: Jena Buckler from Bloomington Springs, TN
(Printable Version)

16-oz. pkg. frozen shredded hashbrowns, thawed
1 onion, chopped and divided
1 lb. ground pork sausage, browned and drained
1 green pepper, chopped
4-oz. can sliced mushrooms, drained
1/2 to 1 c. shredded Cheddar cheese
1 doz. eggs, beaten
1-1/2 c. milk
salt and pepper to taste
Optional: garlic salt to taste

Spread hashbrowns in a lightly greased 9"x9" baking pan. Layer ingredients as follows: half the onion, sausage, remaining onion, green pepper, mushrooms and cheese. In a separate bowl, mix together eggs, milk and seasonings. Pour egg mixture over top of casserole; cover with aluminum foil and refrigerate overnight. In the morning, bake, covered, at 350 degrees for 45 to 60 minutes. Uncover and bake an additional 15 minutes, or until golden and a knife inserted in center comes out clean. Serves 8 to 10.

Gooseberry Patch's 101 Soups, Salads & Sandwiches - Review Round 2

Thursday, December 22, 2011
First let me say that TODAY is the LAST day you can enter in to win the Rush-Hour Recipes GIVEAWAY. IF you haven't already entered, do so HERE!

In ROUND ONE of my review of..... I made a recipe from 3 of the 4 sections of the book -- Simmering Soups, Satisfying Sandwiches and Terrific Toppings! That only left ONE section uncovered -- SENSATIONAL SALADS!

I am ALL-ABOUT salads! Looking thru the book there were SO many great looking salads, it was hard to choose just one to make for review -- then I saw Shirl Parson's from Cape Carteret, NC recipe for Lemon-Dill Chopped Salad. Oh, I KNEW that was the salad I would be making.

No disappointments! This salad has a lot of the same flavors as my favorite Greek salad -- romaine, tomatoes, cucumber, feta, lemon, etc... I served this on the side of grilled chicken. VERY, VERY YUMMY!!

As a BONUS entry, leave a comment on this post telling me which of the 4 recipes I reviewed are you MOST likely to make first. Remember the drawing for this giveaway is 12/28/11 -- look for ONE more BONUS opportunity!

10 Things I LOVE About Winter!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Okay, remember way back at the beginning of Fall, I posted my 10 Things I LOVE About Fall list? That was so easy for me to come up with off the top of my head -- I truly do love fall. BUT I felt a little convicted - after all, I am to find joy in all circumstances (in Philippians, Paul exhorts his readers to be joyful 16 times)...that means EVEN winter. I don't hate winter, but having been raised in San Diego, winter on the Nebraska prairie tends to still scare me -- especially the driving in it part, lol. Then there is the whole TAX SEASON thing -- those things aside, I was able (with some thought, lol) to come up with my list for winter.

1. Snow – okay, I am not talking about driving in it or even shoveling it, but there is something very quiet and serene about snow. For that reason, I love it.

2. Hot Beverages – Yes, coffee is an important one and I am LOVING Gingerbread K-Cups but also hot tea, hot cider, cocoa – YUM – a warm-up in a cup!

3. Soup – The poster-dish of all comfort foods! The entire process of soup is warming – the simmering, the sipping.......

4. Quilts - Not just having them stacked for covering with, but having the quilt frame up and hand-quilting away the long, house-bound days.

5. Books - No guilt that I should be weeding or mowing or some other productive activity...that is why I am a winter reader more than any other season. I can lose myself in a novel guilt-free. My favorite indulgence -- reading in bed - under the warm quilts! Here is my PINTREST Winter Reading List. Anything else you want to recommend to me?

6. Seed Catalogs - Oh, the fun to see them in my mailbox and to dream about what I will plan and plant when spring finally arrives.

7. Flannel Jammies - I do, I do - I LOVE snuggling into a well worn (softened) pair of flannel jammies! (Not a fan of flannel sheets though -- jammies are my limit, lol).
8. The string of holidays that winter brings - Christmas, New Year's, Valentine's Day and finally St. Paddy's Day - not to mention the birthdays -- youngest sister, youngest son, my dear daddy and now grandbaby will be joining that club. LOTS to celebrate!

9. Cardinal sightings -- when the world has turned to black and white the streak of scarlet is so easy to see. I love the little red boys and although the one who lives in my area is around year-round, it is in the winter months that I see him the most.

10. A new year - that new-again feeling of January - fresh starts and resolutions -- LOVE it all!

Okay, now it is YOUR turn -- I'd love to see your 10 Things I LOVE About Winter list! HAPPY first day of winter!!

Gooseberry Patch's 101 Soups, Salads & Sandwiches - Review & GIVEAWAY!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Next up in the 101 Recipe Series for Gooseberry Patch is 101 Soups, Salads & Sandwiches. I got my first look at a 101 Recipe Series book last December when one came to my mailbox for review. I love the traditional Gooseberry Patch books with the fun illustrations and plastic combbinding, so I hadn't ever purchased a 101 Recipe Series book to that point -- I have corrected that error. These are gorgeous, full-color, spiral bound treasures. Not only have I caught my collection up but have found occasion to give these as well-received gifts.

So my friend, The Farmer came for supper.

I enjoy cooking for The Farmer -- he is not a picky eater - claims he only likes 2 kinds of foods -- HOT FOOD and COLD FOOD, lol. He has been an eager guinea pig for trying new things from my from this newest book included. His only request -- *nothing fussy* - easy enough from a book titled 101 Soups, Salads & Sandwiches, lol. I found 3 *nothing fussy* recipes that looked perfect as well as a 4th recipe for a lunch later in the weekend with my daughters. That covered all 4 of the books sections - Simmering Soups, Sensational Salads, Satisfying Sandwiches and Terrific Toppings! Our menu for the evening -- Bean & Sausage Soup, Annelle’s Special Veggie Melts and Refrigerator Pickles.

First I have to say that because this was during the work week, I assembled the soup the night before and then put it into the slow cooker to simmer on low the day we ate it -- I did wait to add the spinach until the last hour, which was perfect.

I only had to put the sandwich together which was quick and easy and supper was ready!
This was a hearty, satisfying meal - the soup has a bit of a warm bite to it at first that you hardly notice after the first spoonful. Very delicious. I was leary about serving a veggie sandwich but it was very hearty and very satisfying. The pickles were a perfect compliment and yummy! All three recipes were a hit -- especially the soup - it will be in my regular soups line-up! Thanks Gooseberry Patch for great recipes assembled in wonderful cookbooks -- add this one to your collection - especially, if like me, soup = comfort food in the winter!

Bean & Sausage Soup
GBP 101 Soups, Salads & Sandwiches (contributed by Janet Parsons)
(Printable Version)

5 Italian pork sausage links
1/4 c onion, diced
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 tsp olive oil
1 tsp salt
1/4 to 1/2 tsp red pepper flakes
15-oz can diced red tomatoes
32-oz container chicken broth
2 15-oz cans white kidney beans
4 c spinach, torn
Garnish: grated Parmesan cheese

In a Dutch oven. Sauté sausages, onion and garlic in oil until sausage is golden. Remove sausage links and slice into one-inch pieces; return to pot. Add remaining ingredients except garnish. Cover and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low; simmer, covered, for 2 to 3 hours. Garnish with cheese. Serves 6.

Annelle’s Special Veggie Melts
GBP 101 Soups, Salads & Sandwiches (contributed by Amy Butcher)
(Printable Version)

1 c sliced baby portabella mushrooms
1/4 c olive oil
1 loaf focaccia bread, halved horizontally (I used a ciabatta loaf I had on hand)
15-oz jar whole roasted red peppers, drained
1-1/2 tsp Italian Seasoning
1 c. shredded Fontina Cheese

In a skillet over medium heat, sauté mushrooms in olive oil until tender. Place bread halves on an ungreased baking sheet. On one bread half, layer peppers, mushrooms and Italian seasoning. Top both halves evenly with cheese. Broil until lightly golden. Assemble sandwich and cut into 4 pieces. Makes 4 servings.

Refrigerator Pickles
GBP 101 Soups, Salads & Sandwiches (contributed by Kay Barg)
(Printable Version)

3 c cucumbers, peeled and sliced
1 onion, thinly sliced
3/4 c sugar (I used 1/2 c Truvia)
2/3 c white vinegar
1/2 tsp celery seed
1/2 tsp mustard seed
1/4 tsp salt

Mix cucumbers and onion in a glass or plastic bowl; set aside. Stir remaining ingredients together in a microwave safe container. Microwave on high for 3 minutes. Pour over cucumber mixture. Cover and refrigerate for 24 hours before serving to blend flavors. Keep refrigerated. Makes one quart.

Now on to the IMPORTANT business -- THE GIVEAWAY!! It includes your very own copy of Gooseberry Patch's 101 Soups, Salads & Sandwiches AND A Faithfulness Farm Funky Dotty Chicken Apron & Tee Towel Combo AND a Funky Chicken Timer!

Since this is the week of CHRISTmas I plan to make this easy. The giveaway is open to Followers of Faithfulness Farm (old and new) - Just leave a comment on this post and you are entered in. I will post some bonus entry opportunities and another recipe from this GREAT book so look for those! Giveaway drawing will be WEDNESDAY December 28th!

Gooseberry Patch's Rush-Hour Recipes Reminder

Monday, December 19, 2011

Just a QUICK reminder -- THURSDAY, December 22nd the giveaway for Gooseberry Patch's Rush-Hour Recipes closes and the winner will be drawn. IF you haven't had a chance to enter yet - RUSH on over and do so here AND your BONUS entries here and here !

A NEW review and GIVEAWAY will be posted this evening!

He Made A Way In A Manager!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Another wonderful song that tells the story of CHRISTmas. Wishing you a blessed day and a CHRISTmas that honors CHRIST!

He Made A Way In A Manager

Longing for a savior
A hopeless world would wait
Sin demanded justice
At a price we could not pay
But God displayed his mercy
The greatest gift of love
When we could not reach heaven
Heaven came to us

He made a way in a manger
A way to the cross
Messiah the promised
Before time had begun
For God so loved this world
Though he knew what love would cost
He made a way in a manger
To make a way to the cross

In Bethlehem a stable
Became a throne of grace
As God himself our Savior
Drew near to take our place
His mother smiled in wonder
As shepherds stood in awe
The sacrifice of heaven
Lay sleeping in the straw

He is the life that died our death
The precious Lord Jesus
Laid down his sweet head

He made a way in a manger
A way to the cross
Messiah the promised
Before time had begun
For God so loved this world
Though he knew what love would cost
He made a way in a manger
To make a way to the cross

Away in a manger, no crib for his bed
The little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head
The stars in the sky looked down where He lay
The little Lord Jesus, asleep on the hay

(scroll to the end of the page to turn off blog music and fully enjoy the video)

Gooseberry Patch's Rush-Hour Recipes Review & ONE MORE RECIPE!!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

One LAST recipe from RUSH-HOUR RECIPES and one more BONUS chance at the GIVEAWAY! Besides, it's Friday and I have to have SOMETHING for my Old-Fashioned Bake Sale feature.

Before going any further I have to show you what showed up at Faithfulness Farm recently....

Isn't this just the CUTEST apron you've ever seen? I participated in Miss Sue's December Apron Swap and was fortunate enough to get partnered-up with Kimberly from Camp and Cottage Living. I am simply loving this apron -- the red and aqua colors - the rick-rack -- she *gets* me! Thanks Kimberly! If you click on the link to her blog you'll see the Grandmomma and Me apron set I sent her.

I also want to show off my new casserole -- It's JUST my color -- I WON this at Mari's Once Upon A Plate -- if you are not following Mari, you should be. She posts the most wonderful recipes AND hosts some of the BEST giveaways in blogland. I am planning to use this baby this weekend.

Okay, on to the business of baking and reviewing :)

When I spied this brownie recipe, I just couldn't help myself. I LOVE brownies and have NEVER seen a recipe like this one. I was intrigued. I knew I would be able to have a small sample and then serve the remaining to a friend coming to supper tonight and the folks at work -- I'd be safe from HAVING to eat it ALL! Good-thing I had a plan because these brownies are BETTER than most and certainly worth making again and again.

Better Than Brownies
GBP Rush-Hour Recipes (contributed by Gladys Kielar)
(Printable Version)

3.4-oz pkg cook & serve chocolate pudding mix
2 cups milk
18-1/2 oz pkg chocolate cake mix
1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 cup chopped nuts (I wanted to festive these up a bit so I skipped the nuts -- maybe the ONLY time you read those words from me, lol -- in their place, chopped peppermint candy canes -- VERY FESTIVE and YUMMY)

Prepare dry pudding mix with milk according to package directions; cook until slightly thickened. Remove from heat. Stir in dry cake mix. Spread batter in a greased 13x9-inch baking pan; sprinkle with chocolate chips and nuts. Bake at 350°F for 30 minutes. Cool; cut into squares. Makes about 2 dozen.

To WIN this fabulous book AND the Faithfulness Farm Apron & Tee Towel Set......

1. Leave a comment on THE ORIGINAL review post.

2. Follow Faithfulness Farm (new followers are good - leave a comment saying you follow).

3. Blog about the giveaway (leave a comment so I can visit your blog).

This is your LAST BONUS entry for the GIVEAWAY -- leave me a comment on THIS post telling me one MUST bake item for you at the holiday. For me it is my Momma's Russian Tea Cakes! Happy Baking!