This post could have been titled, A Foodie in the Making, lol.
I've written before about how blessed I was as a child to have a Mom who stepped aside in her own kitchen and allowed me to LEARN. I loved being in the kitchen. She really fostered that in me. I tried hard to be that same Mom to my kids. Over the years they have all enjoyed being in the kitchen and as a homeschooling family, I tried to use kitchen time as learning time.
My youngest son (#3 of 4 children) turns 18 tomorrow. He has been the one with the MOST interest in cooking by far. Probably started when we bought him a Little Tykes kitchen for his 2nd Christmas (much to the dismay of the menfolk in the family, lol). He always wanted to know what was going on in the kitchen, why you do things a certain way and how can that be done better! At one point, he expressed interest in becoming a chef. That has passed but he does work part-time in a local grocery store and he helps me in my part-time catering enterprise. And does that boy enjoying watching FOOD channel.
He expressed an interest in making Christmas dinner. A pretty big task. He thought he was ready and so did we...afterall, we would be there if he ran into trouble. He performed like a pro. We are so proud of him and did that meal taste wonderful. Our Christmas Menu doesn't change much from year to year. Roast Beef, Yorkshire Pudding, some sort of potato, brussel sprouts and usually a salad. This year he also made Cauliflower Gratin for me since I don't eat potatoes.
So, when you allow your kids to spend time in the kitchen, you teach them skills they will use their whole lives AND they may be so inclined to make you a feast some day!
Happy 18th Birthday Son!!
Sharing at Mz Helen's very first Full Plate Thursday and Michael's Foodie Friday! Thanks for hosting ladies!!