It's here - the NEW YEAR is finally here. I know that 2011 was a particularly difficult year for some. For me, it surely was a year of growth and as I've said before - CHANGES. Sometimes growth brings pains - there were those. Some more painful than others but I always knew there were those having a more difficult time than me. Change can be difficult but it also can be very freeing. I choose for it to be the latter just as I choose to be joyful.
If I had to pick a word for 2012 - it would be CONTENTMENT. That is a very special place to be.
I've spent the biggest part of this long weekend de-christmasing my home. WHEW, why does it never seem as big a job to pull it all out as it does to put it all away? I am organizing and uber-cleaning as I go. The next couple months will bring lots of demands on my time -- new grandbaby AND tax season. It's good to get things in order now. I like the freshness of the new year to concentrate on organizing and getting things in order. Oh, and another thing in my mind is a fiscal fast -- more about that later.