I said last week that winter has gotten lost on it's way to Nebraska -- now I am beginning to wonder if Old Man Winter plans to show up at all. We are having another gorgeous day here (temperatures in the 60's). The newspaper reported that these temperatures could cause some premature blooming of some plants -- Ya Think? I am thinking that OMW needs to just show up and get the worst over with already.
So I was looking thru some images and came across this wonderful advertisement from 1934. My first thought was WHO wears slips (especially FULL slips) these days? A few years ago I took a part-time position for a few months at JCPenney. I was assigned to the Intimates Department. Not so sure it was a good match. We didn't even carry slips in that location although they were available thru the catalog. Now remember, I am 51. I surely remember wearing slips - we wore dresses and skirts to school everyday until 5th grade when FINALLY they mandated that we could wear slacks on Fridays. My Mom would have been in a state of shock if I hadn't worn a slip. After all, we played kickball and dodgeball and all those elementary games -- how could we have been modest without a SLIP, lol. Anyway, I'm getting ready to head down a rabbit trail here - back to slips, IF you've ever worn one, you are pretty aware that they aren't much protection against winter weather as this ad leads you to believe. Some Cuddle Duds maybe, longjohns for sure, but not a slip. Since we are chatting about underclothing I thought I'd also ask what is the obsession with compression garments and shapeware -- you know, Spanx and the such? Again, consider my age, my aunties (they are 8 & 10 years older than I am) always wore GIRDLES -- Didn't we burn our girdles in the 70's? I was always taken aback by these young girlies coming in and purchasing girdles....I mean compression garments, lol. Frankly, I probably could benefit from such garments (especially after a large weight loss) but I flat-out refuse on principle. Yeah, that is the story I'm sticking to :)
Well, winter should get here or maybe my grandson should -- something to occupy my thoughts so I can stop thinking about underwear!