I started this project the same weekend I did my entryway bench. This project met with stalls in the process. Do you see that the handles are really ribbons? This was how I acquired this piece (a long time ago). The piece resided in my sewing room for a long time and held notions but now I don't have a sewing room and I still love the size and scale of the piece. The paint and ribbon handles were never going to do for it's new purpose...a small kitchen hutch! I knew I wanted to paint it and add bin pulls. Picking paint was easy. I wasn't going to change it too terribly much. I wanted a red top with a cream colored body. For the bin pulls, I decided on red colored glass pulls. I ordered them from VanDyke's Restorers and waited. Painting was done and I was still waiting. Finally, they arrived and sadly the red was all wrong. Now what? Well I headed to our local home improvement center and found the bin pulls that belong on this piece. I mean it...looks like they were supposed to be on this little hutch. What do you think?!!
Sharing at Stephanie's ~ Sunday Showcase Party and Susan's Met Monday and Sue's REDnesday because it is RED afterall!