Pumpkin Doughnut Muffins get a Low-Carb Re-Mix

Sunday, December 30, 2012
I have a few posts that draw attention -- a lot of attention. Thanks to Pinterest I am thinking. One of these posts is one I did in Fall 2010 for Pumpkin Doughnut Muffins. It really is a great recipe. I was already well on my way to making low-carb my lifestyle by then but I had kids still at home and no worries about baking them -- they were quickly eaten and not a temptation to me.

Low-Carb Brownies & SF Coffee Ice Cream

Saturday, December 29, 2012
Christmas dinner was wonderful -- and it was followed up by a fantastic low-carb dessert -- Low Carb (sugar and gluten free) BROWNIES and Low Carb Coffee Ice Cream.

Making a list ....

Friday, December 28, 2012

and checking it twice. No, Santa isn't coming again. I am making a list of some of the low-carb goodies I've recently seen and am wanting to try. A 4-day weekend with lots of wintery weather will be perfect timing for trying some new recipes and putting some goodies in the freezer.

Christmas Dinner

Sunday, December 23, 2012
I try to not be too rigid about Christmas Dinner -- and yet our menu ends up being almost identical each year. This year's  change up is that we're having Christmas Dinner on Christmas Eve -- works best that way with everyone's other commitments and work schedules.

Crack Slaw

Saturday, December 22, 2012
Yes, that is the name of the recipe and now I know why. I have been familiar with this recipe for some time -- didn't ever make it until last week -- have made it 3 (yes, that says THREE) times in the last week. It is addictive!!

Sugar-Free, Low-Carb Pistachio Cookies

Monday, December 17, 2012

A couple years ago at Christmas time my friends at Gooseberry Patch asked me to review a new release -- 101 Cupcake, Cookie and Brownie Recipes. One of the recipes I made was Pistachio Thumbprints (click for link to original recipe and review) -- they were an instant family favorite. 
Although I was already eating low-carb I indulged -- not proud of that but these little buggers were too much for my will power.

Low Carbing through the ICKY-SICKIES!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

photo credit: womansday.com

I should have seen it coming. Last week my friend at work was sick. Then daughter came down with it -- I did a good job of skirting contact with both of them THEN my grandboy came down with it. He needed Gigi kisses and cuddles and come Friday afternoon I was feeling a little puny. Saturday was the big Christmas party at work and I didn't plan to miss that for nothing. All day on Saturday I talked myself into feeling better - and I pretty much didn't eat anything. Had a lovely limo ride to Lincoln and dinner at a swanky restaurant and the icky-sickies sucker-punched me BIG TIME. While everyone else enjoyed a show, I took a nap in the back of the limo and then the misrable ride back home (2 hours).

Sunday was pretty much spent in bed and besides water nothing passed my lips. By Monday I knew I needed to eat something if I was going to regain my strength. Then the BIG question - what to eat when you have a low-carb WOE and you are sick? In my pre-low-carb days, I would have reached for saltine crackers, toast, or maybe even chicken noodle soup. I feel programed to want those foods when I am not feeling well. Those were not going to do. One thing I have always liked to settle an upset tummy is gingerale. Sadly, sugar-free gingerale isn't so easy to find in my neck of the woods. In place of  that, I drank Fresca w/a little knob of fresh ginger in it. Next came some sf Jello. As I tolerated those well, I moved on to chicken broth (all I had was the canned variety and it was perfect) -- first I had it plain, then I added a raw egg that I had scrambled up to the hot broth (eggdrop soup style). Lastly, late in the day I ate soft scrambled eggs that I added a handful of baby spinach to. By then I had regain my strength and was able to put together a pot of simple beef and veggie soup for the rest of the week. I ate the last of that today for lunch.

I have decided that although I rarely get sick, I am going to keep sf Jello, canned broth, ginger, Fresca and eggs on hand ALWAYS. What do you want when you're sick? Do you find it harder to stick to a low-carb WOE while ill?

Low-Carb Pancakes

Monday, December 10, 2012
Pancakes and low-carb do not seem to go together. I had seen Maria's recipe a while back but didn't even consider making them. Mostly because I am not much of a pancake fan.

Panera's Cauliflower Cheese Soup

Friday, December 7, 2012

Thanks again to my friend Gwen who again has Faithfulness Farm the blog up and going. I appreciate your hanging in there with me!

Last year a Panera Bread opened in the town I work in. I have eaten at Panera many times in the past (pre-low-carb) and while many were excited to see them come to our area, not so much me. Not that I didn't like them or have nice experiences when I've eaten there in the past BUT with BREAD in their name, they are not so low-carb friendly.

Technical Difficulties

Thursday, December 6, 2012
Thank you for all the *heads up* emails and comments. We are having technical difficulties and are working frantically to get things back on track. Thanks for your patience and HUGE thanks to my friend Gwen who's help I couldn't do this without. More Faithfulness Farm and  low-carb living posts very soon.

Smoked Tuna Dip, Tuna Cakes & A Product REVIEW!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012
I was recently contacted by the nice folks at Chicken of the Sea and asked to review a new product they have on the marketplace -- NO DRAIN Tuna. Sounded right up my alley -- I LOVE canned tuna BUT hate draining and squeezing it out but even more than that, I hate runny, wet tuna. I decided this was a great time to try a couple recipes for low-carb appetizers for holiday parties featuring tuna.

My Favorite FAST Food

Sunday, December 2, 2012
Transparent here -- this was not the blog post I had planned for this weekend. That one will have to wait until later in the week. This weekend just took off on me and ended up much busier than I had planned. In my *old-ways-days*, that would have most likely meant that at least one meal would have been at a fast food sort of place.

Creamy Blue Cheese Stuffed Burgers

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Before my low-carb days, hamburgers were always one of my FAVORITE meals. Actually, since going low-carb, they still are.

Pan-Fried Pork Chops w/Cranberry-Thyme Sauce

Sunday, November 25, 2012
Are you still eating Thanksgiving leftovers? We have just about polished them all off with the exception of the cranberry sauce. Then I remembered an extra yummy dish I used to make using pork loin and canned cranberry sauce. 

The Low-Carb Thanksgiving: REVIEW & RECIPES

Saturday, November 24, 2012
We did it -- we had a completely low carb Thanksgiving. The only exception is that daughter wanted a sweet potato for the grandboy - so we baked one and served it plain just for him. 

Pumpkin Crunch

Thursday, November 22, 2012
This year the Thanksgiving feast is 100% low carb - that means desserts too. Last year I made both regular and low-carb pumpkin cheesecake. It was right after that that my daughter was diagnosed with gestational  diabetes. I decided I would not *ride-the-fence* again. My WOE is low-carb and I don't plan to feed others any other way. Stepping-down-from-my-soapbox -- the kids were all notified that this momma only makes sugar-free and should they want something sugared, they would need to bring (and take whats left home) it with them. That said, I planned some knock-your-socks-off desserts that did tempt them over to the LC side :)

Eggnog Latte a la Low Carb

Tuesday, November 20, 2012
A LONG time ago my family and I lived outside Seattle -- until then I never thought much about coffee -- after that, a coffee hound I was. I worked with a young woman who talked constantly about Starbuck's Eggnog Latte's - when they were going on sale, how good they were, blah, blah, blah. Then the first day that year they were available she brought me one....

The Low-Carb Thanksgiving Dinner

Saturday, November 17, 2012
Rockwell's Thanksgiving
I finalized my menu and braved the store to shop for all the supplies - whew, that was a HUGE deal. I spent this afternoon prepping some of the things I could do ahead since this will be a busy week for me.

I know I've written this before, but Thanksgiving is my FAVORITE holiday! This is my 3rd Thanksgiving as a low-carber. The first one I kind of just did what I always do on Thanksgiving - last year I added some low-carb sides and a sugar-free dessert option. This year I am totally embracing my Low-Carb WOE and all of the Thanksgiving dinner will be Low-Carb friendly. SO with that declaration, WFD -- WHAT'S FOR DINNER?

Championing the Lowly TURNIP!!

Friday, November 16, 2012
People who have low-carbed for any length of time have figured a dozen or more ways to make FAUX-tatoes. You know what that is -- a potato-like dish that isn't made with potatoes at all (nor all those carbs I might add). I am no different. Many FAUX dishes are made with cauliflower. It does a great job. But please don't forget the lowly turnip -- just like potatoes, turnips are roots and unlike cauliflower, they have a very similar texture. Just not as starchy. I thought I would share a few dishes featuring turnips -- well a few turned into 6 of my FAVORITES -- if you are not eating turnips, you really, really should be :)

Obsessed with Breakfast

Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Have I mentioned lately that I am obsessed with breakfast? I think a lot of people's impression is that a low-carb breakfast is all about eggs and bacon -- I do eat both but rarely for breakfast. Lately I have expanded my breakfast fare so much that I posted about it here and here, lol....and yet HERE I am posting about it AGAIN!! 

Cream of *Wheat* Cereal & Chia Seed Review

Friday, November 9, 2012

One of my favorite low-carb sites is Carolyn's All Day I Dream About Food. Recently she posted about the food she eats in a day -- with that post she included this recipe for her version of *Cream of Wheat*. I am ALL-ABOUT eating hot cereal and have missed that. Coupled with the fact that recently I am OBSESSED with breakfast, fast-tracked this recipe to the top of my *to-try* list.

Cheesy Cheeseburger Casserole

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I am doing a low-carb remake of a recipe I saw in  our local newspaper from the newly released *In the Kitchen with David* - David being David Venable, QVC resident foodie. The cover of the book says, *Comfort Foods That Take You Home* - Who doesn't love (and crave) comfort food? Well, you can have your comfort and keep to a low-carb WOE (way of eating) too. So a Recipe Re-Mix was in order...

Orange-Pumpkin Muffins

Monday, November 5, 2012

Pumpkin Muffins simply scream fall too me. When my children were, well, when they were children, lol, we had a Sunday morning tradition -- we had muffins for breakfast - EVERY Sunday. With coffee, tea, cocoa, milk or whatever. I always enjoyed the Sunday morning ritual of baking those muffins as everyone scrambled to get ready for church (1 shower + 6 people = scrambling). When someone requested Pumpkin Muffins I knew Fall had truly arrived.

Chipotle Chicken Enchilada Bake

Saturday, November 3, 2012
I LOVE Mexican food but it took me a little while to get it figured out on a low carb diet. I don't eat beans and I don't eat rice and although you can get low-carb tortillas, I have avoided those.

Back to the Business of Blogging!!

Saturday, November 3, 2012
Dust swept away and cobwebs cleared, I think we're ready to open the doors for company. If you have been by at all this week then you got a little preview of the changes as they took place. WELCOME to Faithfulness Farm and take a look at all that is all shined up and new here! Before I start to ramble too much I want to send a HUGE shout out to my friend Gwen. She is the one who did all the spiffing up around here. She is talented to no end (and there is no end to her patience either - I know, I got in her way a few times, lol). Thank-you Gwen - you are a blessing my friend!

Switching Gears!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Remember me? Firstly, I want to apologize for going AWOL -- life has been very full and busy around Faithfulness Farm. I cannot believe how much time has lapsed since I last checked in. During that time I've done a lot of self-searching and decision making regarding this blog. For a split second I considered closing the blog -- had I run out of things to say?


Sunday, September 9, 2012
It has been a long summer -- long and dry. Very dry. My plants and my lawn have suffered. But this week there was a change.

Low-Carb Living - Breakfasts of Champions!!

Friday, September 7, 2012

When people find out that I have lost a large amount of weight on a low carb diet, almost always I am asked, *What do you eat*, sometimes it is specific to one meal or another or more general as in everything, lol. Today I thought I would share what I eat most often for breakfasts.

Labor Day!

Monday, September 3, 2012
Happy Labor Day and Happy September - FALL is almost here!! Yesterday I competed in a 10k race in our little town. Number 90, that is me - red and sweaty after it was all over and done with. The other gals are members of the walking club that I belong to. It was a glorious morning for a run - today will be some shopping with #1 daughter and grandson. What are you doing for Labor Day?

Low-Carb Living ~ Artichoke Crusted Chicken

Thursday, August 30, 2012
Artichokes are in the same family as thistles -- maybe you don't know this about me but thistle flowers are about my favorites -- so beautiful, yet thorny. My favorite tea set is Dundee Thistle and I have a few treasured pieces. Now, back to the subject, ARTICHOKES -- we grew them when we lived in California and I look forward to them fresh every year -- when I can't get them fresh, then frozen, canned and marinated ones show up often in my kitchen. Oh, and if you've never seen an artichoke bloom, it is a breathtaking sight.

Hemming & Hawing

Monday, August 27, 2012
Hemming and hawing means to speak hesitantly or inarticulately, with numerous pauses and interjections. Although I rarely hem and haw -- I most certainly HEM!

Low-Carb Living ~ Bok Choy & Bacon and The Skinny Rules

Friday, August 24, 2012
Hoping you've had a wonderful week. Mine was busy, busy, busy - hoping for some down time over the weekend. On a sad note, next Thursday is my last one off for the season. I'll go back to working a 5 day week after Labor Day weekend. While I am looking forward to getting an extra hour of sleep each morning, I am sad to be losing my day off during the week.

Low-Carb Living ~ Smoky Low-Carb Barbecue Sauce

Friday, August 17, 2012

With #1 son camping out in my basement, he has taken over a lot of the cooking -- that means most everything is being grilled -- no complaints from me. He is doing so well on the low-carb diet and inspiring me everyday with his creations. Last weekend he wanted some BBQ sauce to slather onto ribs -- YUM. I dug out my trusty copy of 500 Low Carb Recipes book by Dana Carpender -- this was excellent. He plans to do ribs again this weekend :)

Low-Carb Living ~ Parmesan Squash Bake

Friday, August 10, 2012

We're getting to THAT time of year -- you know what time I am talking about -- when you don't dare leave your car unlocked for FEAR that someone will put a bag of zucchini in it for you :)

Bad, Bad Blogger!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012
The BAD Blogger!!
Yep, that would be me - away from my blog and my blogging friends for the last week. Shame, shame on me! Wish I could tell you I was out having fun somewhere BUT that was not the case. Blogger caused me some grief and I wasn't able to log on AND more importantly, I had some family issue to deal with. One of my dear children is facing some of life's difficult moments. Please hold us up in prayer -- this too will pass but when you are young, you don't always have the life experience to know that. Thank you for both your understanding and your prayers. I will be catching up on my blog visiting this week!

I did not get the winner of the Quail Ridge Press GIVEAWAY posted. Thanks for everyone who entered in and all the nice comments that were posted. And BIG thanks to the wonderful folks at Quail Ridge Press for providing the books for review and giveaway (they are sending me another book for review so watch for that).

Without further delay..........................................

The LUCKY winner of this giveaway is

Kimberley from Kimberley's Front Porch (I thought it fun that Kim was the winner and her blog is named Front Porch and my review was my Front Porch party -- too fun!!)

Congratulations Kim :)

Thank you to my daughter for always tallying up all the entries and determining the winner for me!

Reminder: Cookbook & Apron Set GIVEAWAY Closes Today!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Good Morning! Hoping that you are surviving the heat and drought that seems to have everyone in it's grip. I've given up on some of my potted plants that were not fairing so well. We were blessed with a little rain yesterday -- praying for more.

I wanted to issue a reminder that TODAY is the last day to enter in for the Quail Ridge Press Giveaway -- 2 GREAT new titles and a Faithfulness Farm Apron/Tee-Towel Set. Enter HERE. Drawing is later tonight :)

Low-Carb Living ~ No-Sugar Ketchup & Variations

Friday, July 27, 2012

QUICK reminder -- Have you entered in the GIVEAWAY I am hosting for Quail Ridge Press? -- TWO great new release cookbooks and a Faithfulness Farm Apron/Tee Towel Set -- if not, ENTER  HERE -- the drawing will be July 31st!!

Ketchup -- well the truth of the matter is IT IS FULL OF SUGAR. I have for the most part opted to live without ketchup since my Low Carb journey began and for the most part, I didn't think I missed it. Well, now that #1 son is camping out in my basement and has decided he wants to try the low carb *thing* (he is doing very well at it), he whined asked for ketchup for his eggs (YUCK, lol). I knew Dana Carpender had a recipe in 500 Low-Carb Recipes so I figured I'd give that a whirl.
In Dana's recipe, you assemble the entire thing in the blender. I've made ketchup before and always cooked it. I decided that would be what I did in this recipe too. I sauteed  the onions in the tiniest bit of olive oil and then added the rest of the ingredients and heated until it boiled (put a lid on it as it will splat and get you). Then I used my immersion blender to the ketchup-ie consistency. Boy that stuff smelled GOOD when cooking. Made me want hot dogs - so we grilled some and I can honestly say I HAVE MISSED KETCHUP -- not any more. This recipe is terrific and I will make sure to keep it on hand. Since making this recipe, I have also used this as the base for Dana's Cocktail Sauce for shrimp, Dana's Steak Sauce, 1000 Island Dressing/Sauce for burgers and am now playing with making a BBQ sauce using it as the base -- don't quite have that one right yet but will keep you posted.

Dana's No-Sugar Ketchup

500 Low-Carb Recipes
(Printable Version)

2 - 6 ounce cans tomato paste
1-1/3 cup cider vinegar
2/3 cup water
2/3 cup Splenda
4 tablespoons minced onion
4 cloves garlic
2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon ground allspice
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1/2 teaspoon guar or xanthan*

Just throw everything in your blender and run, scraping down the sides from time to time, until the onion and garlic disappear. Store in a snap-top container in the fridge, and use just like any ketchup.

* this item is not essential but makes your ketchup a little thicker and helps keep the water from separating out if don’t use it quickly. I was able to find packets of xanthan by Hodgson Mills at my local Wal-Mart store.

Makes 3 cups, or 24 servings of two tablespoons, each with: 18 Calories; trace Fat ; 1g Protein; 5g Carbohydrate; 1g Dietary Fiber

Low-Carb Steak Sauce
500 Low-Carb Recipes
(Printable Version)

1/4 cup Dana's No-Sugar Ketchup (see above)
1 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce
1 teaspoon lemon juice

Combine well and store in an airtight container in the fridge.

Yield: 5 servings of 1 Tbsp, each with 2.25g of carbohydrates, a trace of fiber and a trace of protein

Cocktail Sauce
500 Low-Carb Recipes
(Printable Version)

1/4 cup Dana's No-Sugar Ketchup (see above)
1 tsp prepared horseradish
2 or 3 drops Tabasco
1/2 tsp lemon juice

Just stir together and DIP!

Yield: 1/4 cup, with 10 grams of carbohydrate, a trace of fiber and a trace of protein in the whole batch.

Posting to Michael's Foodie Friday, Honey's Potpourri Friday and Sall's Farm Fresh Friday!

Simple Sunday ~ Can You Believe It?!

Sunday, July 22, 2012
My little special man is 6 months old today -- this is him at Gigi's house yesterday all determined to be a crawler -- he ALMOST  has it. Watch out :)
HAPPY 1/2 BIRTHDAY Baby Boy -- LOVE you to the moon and back -- to infinity and beyond!!

Joining Elaine at her Sunny Simple Sunday!

Don't forget to get entered in for the Quail Ridge Press Cookbook Giveaway!!

Cookbook Review ~ Quail Ridge Press & A GIVEAWAY!

Saturday, July 21, 2012
I was contacted by Quail Ridge Press awhile back and asked if I would be interested in doing some reviewing of new releases for them. I get these requests now and again and most I just pass by. THEN I realized I have a book by this publisher -- Best of the Best from Minnesota Cookbook -- it was long ago a gift from a group of gals I worked with when I lived in Minnesota -- it was my going away gift when I moved to Nebraska in 2006. I have LOVED that book and use it often - my friends left me notes all thru the book and I love flipping thru and seeing those sweet messages. Based on my feelings for that book, I gladly signed on to review their TWO new titles.

First up is ---

Hall of Fame of Southern Recipes is FULL of GREAT Southern recipes like Baked Vidalia Onion Dip , Chocolate Cream Supreme, Key Lime Cake, White Chocolate and Lime Mousse Cake and what Southern cookbook would be complete without a version of Red Velvet Cake. I was so impressed with the content of this book. I needed to plan a little get-together to *celebrate* my porch being completed. This book looked to be the answer to *what to serve?*  -- don't all Southern houses have BIG porches?, lol. I choose a couple things that would fit into my low-carb lifestyle and then some yummies for those who don't have to watch their carbs so closely. My menu, Mint Fruit Tea, Cool Benedictine Soup, Boursin Cheese (homemade) with Crudite & water crackers and Cheese Puffs with Chicken Salad - a perfectly refreshing light meal for a summer get-together. I even dug out my vintage snack dishes - the cold soup was PERFECT in the punch cups! Super easy recipes and everyone raved about the yummy food. A TOTAL success!

Mint Fruit Tea
Hall of Fame of Southern Recipes
(Printable Version)

2 long steams of mint
Grated rind of ½ lemon
Grated rind of ¼ orange
4 tea bags or 2 Tbsp loose tea
2 cups boiling water
1/3 cup sugar (you can substitute a no-calorie sweetener)
3-3/4 cups cold water
Juice of 1/2 orange
Juice of 1/2 lemon
Slices of lemon and orange for garnish
Sprigs of mint for garnish

Combine stems if mint, grated rinds, and tea in a heat-proof pitcher or teapot. Pour boiling water over all. Steep 2 minutes. Put remaining ingredients into large pitcher or jar. Strain steeped tea mixture into pitcher and blend. Cool, and pour into tall glass of ice. Garnish with thin slices of orange or lemon and sprigs of mint. Serves 6-8.

Cool Benedictine Soup
Hall of Fame of Southern Recipes
(Printable Version)

3 medium cucumbers
3 cups chicken broth
2 cups sour cream
3 Tbsp white wine vinegar
2 tsp garlic salt
Several drops of green food coloring
Chopped almonds for garnish

Peel cucumbers and cut into chunks. Puree in food processor. Combine with chicken broth, sour cream, vinegar and seasonings; tint a light green with food coloring. Chill. Serve cold, topped with almonds. Serves 6.

Boursin Cheese – Home Style
Hall of Fame of Southern Recipes
(Printable Version)

8 ounces whipped butter, softened
16 ounces cream cheese, softened
2 cloves garlic
1/2 tsp oregano
1/4 tsp basil
1/4 tsp dill weed
1/4 tsp marjoram
1/4 tsp black pepper
1/4 tsp thyme

Place butter and cream cheese in large bowl of an electric mixer or food processor. Beat at high speed until smooth and fluffy, stopping motor often to scrape down sides of bowl with rubber spatula. Add remaining ingredients, and continue to beat until well combined. Pack into containers and allow to mellow for at least 12 hours in refrigerator before serving. Serve cold with crackers or crudite.

Note: Okay to prepare in advance: if wrapped airtight, this will keep for 2 weeks to a month. Do not freeze. Fluff before serving.

Cheese Puffs with Chicken Salad
Hall of Fame of Southern Recipes
(Printable Version)

4 Tbsp butter
1/2 c boiling water
1/2 c all-purpose flour
Dash of salt
2 eggs
1/2 c shredded Swiss Cheese

Melt butter in boiling water. Add ¼ cup flour and a dish of salt. Stir rapidly until mixture leaves side of pan and forms a ball that does not separate. Remove from heat and cool slightly. Add eggs, one at a time and beat until smooth. Stir in cheese. Drop from a teaspoon onto a greased baking sheet, and bake in a 400°F oven for 20 minutes. Cool. And split. Fill with Party Chicken Salad. Unfilled puffs make be kept in freezer.

Party Chicken Salad:

2 c chopped, cooked chicken
1/4 c minced celery
2 Tbsp minced green onion
2 Tbsp mined pimentos
2 Tbsp white wine
1/4 c mayonnaise
1/2 tsp salt
Dash of pepper
1/4 tsp lemon juice
1/4 c sliced almonds

Mix chicken with celery, green onion, pimentos, wine, mayonnaise, salt, pepper, lemon juice and sliced almonds. Fill puffs with chicken salad. Yields: 10-12.


The second book I am reviewing is ......

Skinny Ms. Slow Cooker includes 210 pages FULL of the most scrumptous looking recipes, ALL Healthy Lifestyle geared  -- included are  Spinach and Mozzarella Frittata, Spicy Chili with Fire-Roasted Tomatoes, and Ranch Turkey Sliders . EACH recipe has a beautiful color photo and a side-panel that includes all the nutritional data -- carbs included and you know that is important to me, lol.

First on my list is Steel-Cut Oats w/Peaches and Honey -- Once you go steel-cut, you won't go back AND the best way to prepare steel-cut oats is the slow-cooker. I served this to my company and my Dad talked about it the rest of their visit....very, very yummy! I doubled this recipe to feed my crowd and served with whipped cream and cinnmon for the top.

Steel-Cut Oats w/Peaches and Honey
Skinny Ms. Slow Cooker
(Printable Version)

1 c steel-cut oats
2 ripe peaches, peeled, seeded and sliced into 1-to-inch pieces
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp ginger
2 Tbsp honey
1 tsp pure vanilla
2 cups water
2 cups 1% milk (I used unsweetened almond milk)

Add all ingredients to the slow cooker, and stir to combine. Cover, and cook on LOW for 2-2-1/2 hours, or until desired consistency is reached. Yield: 13 1/2-cup servings. 81 calories/13 net carbs per serving.

Next was Garlic Lover's Chicken -- The name says it ALL. This dish was yummy -- I doubled it -- again, I was feeding a crowd and I thought a fight might erupt over the leftovers the next day, lol -- I served fresh green beans and a salad on the side. Very simple, healthy and took little time so I could spend more time enjoying my visitors.

Garlic Lover’s Chicken
Skinny Ms. Slow Cooker
(Printable Version)

20 cloves garlic, chopped (YES, that does read TWENTY)
1 tsp olive oil
4 ounce mushrooms
1 c low-sodium chicken broth
2 Tbsp organic cornstarch
2 large boneless, skinless breasts
1/2 c unsweetened almond milk

In a large frying pan, sauté chopped garlic in olive oil over medium-heat. Add mushrooms, and continue to sauté until mushrooms become soft. Pour broth into slow cooker, and whisk in cornstarch. Add remaining ingredients and stir briefly to combine. Cover and cook on HIGH for 4-5 hours. Yield: 4 servings. 199 calories/9 net carbs per serving.

Okay, Quail Ridge Press very generously provided me a copy of these book for review -- they ALSO provided a second set for me to giveaway to one of my dear readers. I've combined that with a HAND-EMBROIDERED Faithfulness Farm, fully reversible APRON & TEE-TOWEL set.
Enter to Win at Faithfulness Farm Blog

The drawing is open to ALL Faithfulness Farm Followers (new followers included) -- as a follower you've already been entered AND as a bonus entry, leave me a sweet comment on this post. A winner will be drawn on JULY 31th.

You may also enter in to win a copy of Skinny Ms. Slow Cooker from Quail Ridge Press -- their drawing will also be on July 31th. Thank you Quail Ridge Press -- I enjoyed the opportunity to review these terrific new releases!!